268 Andrew J. Neel and Max H. Garzon
set is maximally nxh according to the natural process of DNA hybridization
and not an approximation of hybridization applied in other approaches. The
characterization of several product sets has been given in [7]. The remaining
challenge thus becomes to discover a scalable solution that can extract the
codeword sequences from these nxh product sets. Even if one is willing to
bear the cost, in terms of money, of sequencing a sample of the code set in
vitro, it remains forbiddingly infeasible in terms of time to sequence the whole
product set of 20-mers, estimated to be 10,000 - 50,000 species [6].
In order to get useful information on the composition of such nxh set,
PCRS has been implemented in silico with EdnaCo. In simulation, a model
is required to of decide whether two strands hybridize. An approximation of
Gibbs energy that has proved to provide very good results up to 60-mers can
be used [8]. Scalability is still a challenge due to the sheer size of input sets
and the number of rounds needed to refine the codeword set. The advantage
is that the codeword set will be fully sequenced and of comparable quality.
We will discuss this solution in full details below.
In [20], PCR selection (PCRS) was implemented in silico on EdnaCo to
identify quality codeword sets. PCRS protocol was implemented exactly as it
would be in vitro with one exception: all copies of a codeword were removed
from the virtual test tube at the moment any copy of the codeword formed
a duplex according to Gibbs energy. This variation significantly reduced the
overhead and helped the apparent kinetic problems that emerged in vitro
required to converge to an ideal nxh codeword set.
The codeword product sets were evaluated by both size and quality. Qual-
ity was evaluated by three methods to assess the application of each set
in vitro. The first method performed an O(n
) search of R = {Σr} to de-
termine if any r would hybridize to any member of R and if any r
(the com-
plement of r) would hybridize to any member of R
(the complement set of R).
Because Gibbs energy evaluation is the primary criterion for hybridization in
silico and is an excellent predictor of hybridization in vitro,thisfirstmethod
is an excellent measure of the nxh quality of R. The second method estimates
the Gibbs energy of each pair of codewords. The third method characterizes
each r in R as blocks of 2, 3, and 4-mers.
PCRS was performed with various input sets of uniform length n where
n =5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16,and20 [20]. No matter how efficiently represented in
simulation, a seed set of length 20 contains at most 4
strands. The resources
needed to perform PCRS with that much input are too high a computational
and memory requirement even for supercomputers of today. This challenge
motivated a pre-processing filtering that reduces the complexity and search
space of the input DNA. The inputs to PCRS, called S, were filtered to min-
imize wasting simulation cycles. Each S was filtered to remove a priori those
obvious candidate DNA species likely to be removed by PCR Selection. In
every full n-mer DNA set, a sizable number of them is immediately available
to be discarded as they are palindromes or contain hairpins (i.e., reverse WC
complements of self or other strands in the set), contain k-mer runs (k>3)of
8 DNA-Based Memories: A Survey 269
G/Cs. The above filters were implemented on a full seed input of all n-mers.
Where it was feasible, the input set was scanned to remove any hybridizing
DNA that would crosshybridize even with very stringent hybridization thresh-
olds according to the h-distance [17] which is less accurate but executes faster
than the Gibbs approximation used by EdnaCo. Because scanning for crosshy-
bridization was only possible over several months for 12-mers and 13-mers,
a different pre-processing step was used for n>13. The serialized filter was
replaced by a distributed filter to do the work to PCRS running on EdnaCo
(a parallel application). By removing these strands from the input sets, were
able to reduce the complexity of these problems by orders of magnitude [20].
As shown in Figure 8.1, the net gain is a filtered set (middle bars) that is at
least one order of magnitude smaller in size than the full set (left bars). The
size of n-mer set seems to grow exponentially with a power law 4
The results and capabilities of PCRS to scale and produce large sets of
nxh were first discussed in [20]. Below is a recap of the evidence presented in
that paper that proves PCRS as a scalable solution capable of produce fully
sequenced nxh codewords efficiently in a matter of hours for small examples
and months for very large codeword sets. The next section addresses the issue
of scalability and is followed by two evaluations of the nxh quality of the
codeword product sets.
Size of Filtered Seed Sets for PCRS++
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pre-Filter Filtered Set pow(4,0.72*n+1.66)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Log of Size (Base 4)
Fig. 8.1. Pre-filtering of the space of n-mers reduces the full set by at least an order
of magnitude. The filtering process removes from the full input set (left bars) the
DNA species that contain hairpins or short runs of the same base and those species
that are palindromes or are too much like other strands already passed by the filter.
The size of the resulting filtered set (middle bars) can be estimated by the power
law 4
(right bars). [20]
Figure 8.2 compares the size of filtered n-mer input set (dark blue) is
compared with the PCRS product set (red) and an ideal PCRS product set
(black). Due to the sheer complexity of the task, the experiments for 20-mers
were not completed after 10 months into the simulation. The growth in size
270 Andrew J. Neel and Max H. Garzon
for n-mer sets in range from 5-10 was calculated to be 4.19
extrapolation, the sizes of 20-mer nxh sets are estimated to be around 4
4.7 billion. The set of 16-mers began with 4
or about 93 million DNA
polymers. PCRS produced a set of about 4
, which was reduced to about 47
or 16KDNA polymers by additional exhaustive filtering.
Size of Code Sets
Log of Size (Base 4)
4 5 6 7
Filtered Input to PCRS++ PCRS++ Product Ideal product after post-filtering pow(4,1.9*sqrt(n)+0.3)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 8.2. Size of the PCR Selection product obtained from the filtered input sets
(left bars). The size of the resulting set (middle bars) can be estimated by the
sub-power law 4
(light bars on the right). [20]
[20] obtained very large sets of very good nxh quality that are guaranteed
to perform well under a variety of reaction conditions in wet test tubes. The
method is constructive, not in the sense that it selects the actual wet strands
as the PCR Selection protocol does in vitro [10], but in the complementary
and more advantageous sense that the sequence and composition of the ac-
tual codewords is known, thereby bypassing a costly or impossible sequencing
procedure. The method is also nearly optimal, in the sense that the size of
the codeset obtained is in the order of magnitude of the theoretical maximum
size of a set for the given hybridization stringency under which the simulation
was conducted.
The net result is that there is in hand a number of codeword sets of n-mers
for values of n = 4-10, 13-,16- and 20mers. More importantly, we have the
protocol that is capable of producing far larger codeword sets. The analysis
for some of these sets has been presented, for example, G/C-content analysis
and a bias analysis of the most frequent k-mer-blocks for k = 2, 3, 4. These
results suggest further analyses that could be conducted with the products of
the protocol in vitro to obtain further characterization of its products (so far
only conducted in vitro for 20-mers [7]). These PCRS experiments (including
the analysis) have lasted over 10 months and are expected to bear full fruit up
to 20-mers (once resources become available). PCRS can easily be scaled to
sets of longer polymers with feasible (but long) run times up to about 60-mers
when the Gibbs energy model used begins to fail. At that point, optimality
8 DNA-Based Memories: A Survey 271
will be out of range. Given the very encouraging results of PCRS [20], tensor
products [15], and shuffle codes [29], it may be necessary to apply tensor
product and shuffle codes as filters to PCRS as the size of the n-mers increase
much beyond 20-mers.
[20] argued that the size of these codeword sets may be in the order of
magnitude of maximal sets and provided a good practical estimate of the ca-
pacity of a DNA memory [20] based on Baum’s construction [2]. With these
codes, we have the support required to implement virtually any kind of appli-
cation of biomolecular computing, and in particular, the primary ingredient
for DNA memories [25, 18, 25, 33].
8.5 Some Applications of DNA Memories
In this Section, we summarize a few applications of DNA memories capable of
retrieving both biotic and abiotic data under development or consideration.
Given a nxh basis B of N oligos of length n, arbitrary data sets can be
represented by a so-called signature. [18, 5] define the representation as a sig-
nature as follows. Without loss of generality, it will be assumed that strings x
to be encoded are written in a four letter alphabet {a,c,g,t}. The signature of
a string x with respect to B is a vector V of size N obtained by shredding. x
to fragments of size n or less and allowing the fragments to hybridize under
saturation conditions to the oligos in B. The vector V can be visualized as
a 2D matrix by arranging the basis strands in a 2D DNA-chip, with a fixed
common number of basis strand per spot. The vector V may appear not to be
well-defined, since it is clear that its calculation depends on the concentration
of basis as well a strands x used in an experiment to compute it. To avoid
these difficulties, this situation is idealized to the case where only the same
number of copies (say, a fixed large number of copies) of each basis strand
is present in the tube, that the target input x is poured in saturation con-
centrations over the chip, and that the tube is small enough that all possible
hybridization occur within reasonable time. These idealizations are supported
by a number experiments performed on EdnaCo that essentially normalize the
representation and make it unique to within small variation in intensity for
each pixel, but with basically the same pattern over the entire chip. Precise
details can be found in [18]
An obvious and very intriguing application of the type of DNA memo-
ries described above is in storage and retrieval of genomic data of biological
organisms. One cannot help but wonder what type of signatures given or-
ganisms may produce and how they compare to one another. These issues
have been explored in several cases, of which we mention three, two with ge-
nomic data and one with abiotic/textual data. Precise details can be found in
[20, 26, 27, 25]
In the first application, a number of plasmids of lengths varying between
3Kbp (kilobase pairs) and 4.5Kbps were shredded to fragments of size 40 or
272 Andrew J. Neel and Max H. Garzon
less and thrown into a tube containing a basis B of three different nxh quality
consisting of 36-mers. The each member of the basis B was permanently fixed
to a spot on a thin piece of glass. Their signature were approximated by
simulation on EdnaCo by a simple process described above, i.e. measuring
the degree in which the shredded target DNA interacted with the DNA on
the chip. The variability of the signatures was telling of the nature and origin
of the plasmids. More nxh bases produced signatures with less variability and
noise. As the noise decreased, the size of the basis could be reduced so that
the same result could be achieved with far fewer nxh DNA and far smaller
DNA chips. On a high-quality nxh basis, the plasmid signatures appeared
were just as different as the organisms that originated them. This application
shows how genetic data could be captured by merely measuring hybridization
affinity to an nxh set of DNA. In a second application, the DNA chip can reveal
emergent information from a set of shredded DNA that the shredded DNA
itself became the DNA memory. The shredded DNA is placed into a test tube.
PCR selection protocol is applied to identify an nxh subset, and the resulting
species become the DNA memory placed onto a DNA chip. When the shredded
DNA is allowed to interact with the DNA chip, the resulting signature is far
sharper and crisper. By performing this process on many such species, it is
possible to create a single, re-usable DNA chip capable of identifying the origin
species of any DNA sample. Precise details can be found in [20].
Furthermore, this same protocol can be extended to very different data
sets. For example, the shredded DNA may be replaced with English words
from a Shakespearian play encoded in DNA structures. PCR selection protocol
could then produce a meaning subset of words (arguably the most meaningful
subset of words) which could then be placed on a DNA chip. The application
of this chip could assist in natural language processing problems of question
answering and information summarization. Precise details of this protocol can
be found [26, 27] (for genetic data) and [25] (for abiotic data).
In the third application, DNA memories are used to reveal the meaning of
human language in applications such as recognizing textual entailment (RTE).
Here, the capacity potential of DNA to retrieve fine-grained information from
vast amounts of data could be truly leveraged. Data representing the full com-
plement of word-phrase meanings is stored into a DNA memory. This potential
has been documented in the case of textual entailment challenge (RTE), A
typical instance of RTE consists of two paragraphs (one called the text and the
other called the hypothesis). The problem is to decide whether the hypothesis
is entailed by the text. This is not a problem about logical inference, but rather
a problem that requires bringing into play background knowledge about the
world, usually left implicit in the text. Using DNA memory representations of
semantic networks such as WordNet, entailment can be solved automatically
by disambiguating the words and phrases of each paragraph to meanings in the
DNA memory and then examining the overlap of the corresponding semantic
concepts contained in both text and hypothesis. This application shows how
DNA memories might be able to capture semantical knowledge in superior
8 DNA-Based Memories: A Survey 273
ways to that standard syntactic and lexical representations. More details can
be found in [25, 27].
In conclusion, we mention an important advantage on this type of DNA
memory. Information retrieval normally requires the identification of the rel-
evant data, retrieval of the data from the DNA-based memory, and further
processing of the desired information. The critical issue is how to “identify
the correct data to retrieve”. The simplest and most frequent conventional
approach is to “let the human decide” which data to retrieve. For example,
conventional computers ask the user to search for information by opening a
series of files on a file system, reading each file, and deciding from the content
which file is correct. The underlying system may provide tools to help the
human search by iterating through a list of files searching for keywords. This
“key-word” search approach will miss files and content that express similar
concepts with words different than the keywords. Ideally, data retrieval tools
could not only retrieve lexically (by matching key words); but also retrieved
by matching meanings of words captured in the query to meanings of words
captured in the data in the memory. By contrast, the DNA memories discussed
here do not require an intelligent, outside “brain” to extract the relevant fea-
tures from the given data. Hybridization affinity naturally selects the relevant
features in the input and display them on the DNA chip signature as a 2D
graphical and semantic representation.
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