342 K. Gürlebeck and J. Morais
A-valued function f permits an orthogonal decomposition
f(x) :=f(0) +g(x) +h(x), (13)
where h is a hyperholomorphic constant and g is the so-called principal part of f.
Collecting all these properties, we understand from the simple example that lo-
cally each monogenic function can be decomposed as an orthogonal sum of a prin-
cipal monogenic mapping, preserving right angles as described, and a hyperholo-
morphic constant, preserving all angles in a plane.
At the moment it is still an open problem how the described local mapping prop-
erties can be connected with the global mapping properties of M-conformal map-
pings. There is already one paper [2], where the authors study the global behavior
of a generalized Joukowski mapping in the three-dimensional space.
Acknowledgement The second author is sponsored by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tec-
nologia—FCT via the Ph.D./grant SFRH/BD/19174/2004.
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