The disease is specific to barley.
The disease is seed-borne and caus-
es long brown stripes on the leaves.
The stripes are often pale green at
first, becoming yellow and then
finally dark brown. Usually all of
the leaves of affected plants show
these symptoms and some leaves
split along the stripes giving the leaf
a shredded appearance. Symptoms
are usually most prominent at ear
emergence. The disease is generally
most severe on crops which have
been grown from untreated seed.
Leaf stripe can affect the plant in
three ways; first it can kill seedlings
as they emerge. This is unusual but
can occur if soil conditions are very
poor. Secondly, it can reduce the
efficiency of the plant by reducing
green leaf area and thirdly, it can
result in complete blindness of the
ear resulting in no harvestable grain
from affected tillers.
Life cycle
The fungus is present on the seed
surface and as mycelium in the seed
coat. As the coleoptile emerges, the
fungus invades the tissue and pene-
trates through to the emerging first
leaf. The fungus grows through
successive leaf sheaths, producing
the characteristic symptoms on
each leaf until it infects the ear
which often remains in the leaf
sheath. Although the fungus pro-
duces spores on the stripes these are
not thought to be very important in
the UK as a means of spreading the
This is potentially the most serious
seed-borne disease of barley. If seed
from affected crops is re-sown
without an effective fungicidal seed
treatment being applied, the disease
can multiply very significantly and
produce large yield losses. If seed is
saved and re-sown repeatedly, com-
plete crop loss is possible within a
few generations of seed multiplica-
Common name:
Leaf Stripe
Pyrenophora graminea (Drechslera graminea)
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