Although more usually associated
with necrotic blotching of leaves
and glumes, S. nodorum can cause
post-emergence seedling blight in
cool wet soils.
Life cycle
S. nodorum survives as dormant
mycelium, and as pycnidia and
pseudothecia on seed, stubble,
debris, autumn-sown crops and
volunteers. In the absence of crop
debris, initial infections in the
autumn or spring may result from
wind-borne ascospores released
from pseudothecia long distances
away. As temperatures rise and
humidity increases pycnidiospores
are produced from the pycnidia.
These are splash-dispersed up the
infected plant and from plant to
plant. Temperatures of 20-27°C,
together with 100% relative
humidity, are optimal for spore
production and germination and a
period of rain is essential for spore
dispersal. The disease cycle can be
completed in 10-14 days during
such conditions. Spores produced
from pseudothecia and pycnidia,
which develop on the flag leaf and
ear at the end of the season, can ini-
tiate infection in early autumn-
sown crops and volunteers and may
also remain dormant for the winter.
Glume blotch infection of the ear
can lead to infection of the seed.
Like the Fusarium spp., S. nodorum
can survive between crops either on
seed or on plant debris. While
trash-borne inoculum is usually
more important in initiating the
later phases of the disease (leaf and
glume blotch), fungus carried on
the seed is more likely to be respon-
sible for septoria seedling blight.
S. nodorum was once the most
serious pathogen on cereals in the
UK, although it now rarely causes
significant losses except in wet
seasons in the south west of
England. Yield losses up to 50%
have been reported in trials
although average annual losses in
the UK probably do not exceed
3%. Losses caused by septoria
seedling blight are generally not
Glume blotch lesions on wheat leaves
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