Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering: A Tool to Analyse Complex Systems
5. Conclusion
The two applications presented are basic examples of:
simulations of the same system by using different models so as to compare their
predictive capacity and the limitations of the solution techniques required to solve
splitting the process into the main steps to define the subsystems which allow to
analyse those particular attributes of the process that are of interest;
development of mathematical models for each subsystems which allow to highlight the
role played by the single step of the process and the parameters which are controlling
its behaviour. The purpose is to obtain a representation of the whole process based on
fairly simple representations for the parts;
design of several laboratory apparatus or pilot plants to analyse the behaviour of
subsystems, to obtain information about the essential features of the process and to
evaluate the parameters in the model;
comparison between calculated values and experimental data to evaluate how well the
model represents the real process and to check the validity of assumptions made.
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