2.D.2 Tables
Table 2.D.1 – Instructions For The Preparation Of Manufacturer’s Data Reports
Applies To Form
A-1 A-2 A-3
X X X 1 Name and street address of Manufacturer
X --- X 2 Name and address of purchaser.
X --- X 3 Name of user, and address where vessel is to be installed.
X --- 4 Name and address of Manufacturer who will use the vessel part in making the complete vessel
X X --- 5 Type of vessel, such as horizontal or vertical, tank, separator, heat exchanger, reactor.
X --- 6 Brief description of vessel part (i.e., shell, two-piece head, tube, bundle).
X X X 7
An identifying Manufacturer's serial number marked on the vessel (or vessel part) (see Annex
X X X 8 Applicable Jurisdiction Registration No.
X X --- 9
Indicate drawing numbers, including revision numbers, which cover general assembly and list
materials. For Canadian registration, the number of the drawing approved by the applicable
jurisdictional authority.
X --- 10 Organization that prepared drawing.
X X X 11
Where applicable, National Board Number from Manufacturer's Series of National Board
Numbers. National Board Number shall not be used for owner-inspected vessels
X X --- 12 Issue date of Section VIII, Division 2 and Addenda under which vessel was manufactured
X X --- 13 All code case numbers when the vessel is manufactured to any Code Cases.
X --- --- 14
To be completed when one or more parts of the vessel are furnished by others and certified on
Data Report Form A-2 as required by Annex 2-F. The part manufacturer's name and serial
number should be indicated.
X X --- 15
Show the complete ASME Specification number and grade of the actual material used in the
vessel part. Material is to be as designated in Section VIII, Division 2 (e.g., "SA-285 C").
Exceptions: A specification number for a material not identical to an ASME Specification may
be shown only if such material meets the criteria in the Foreword of this Section. When
material is accepted through a Code Case, the applicable Case Number shall be shown.
X X --- 16
Thickness is the nominal thickness of the material used in the fabrication of the vessel. It
includes corrosion allowance.
X X --- 17 State corrosion allowance on thickness.
X X --- 18 Indicate whether the diameter is inside diameter or outside diameter.
X X --- 19
The shell length shall be shown as the overall length between closure or transition section
welds, for a shell of a single diameter. In other cases, define length, as appropriate.
X X --- 20
Type of longitudinal joint in cylindrical section, or any joint in a sphere (e.g., Type No.1 butt, or
seamless) per Part 4, paragraph 4.2.
X X --- 21
State the temperature and time if heat treatment is performed by the Manufacturer (i.e.
postweld heat treatment, annealing, or normalizing). Explain any special cooling procedure
under ”Remarks."
X X --- 22
Indicate examination applied to longitudinal seams. Any additional examinations should be
included under “Remarks."
X X --- 23 Type of welding used in girth joints in the cylindrical section (see 20).
X X --- 24 Indicate examination applied to girth joints (see 22).
X X --- 25 Number of cylindrical courses, or belts, required to make one shell.
X X --- 26
Show specified minimum thickness of head after forming. State dimensions that define the
head shape.
X X --- 27 Bolts used to secure removable head or heads of vessel.
X X --- 28 For jacketed vessels, explain the type of jacket closures used.
X X --- 29
Show the internal maximum allowable working pressure and the external maximum allowable
working pressure.
X X --- 30
Show the coincident temperatures that correspond to the internal maximum allowable working
pressure and the external maximum allowable working pressure, as applicable.
X X --- 31
Show minimum Charpy V-notch impact value required and impact test temperature. If
exempted, indicate under "Remarks" paragraph under which exemption was taken.
X X --- 32 Show minimum design metal temperature