3-18 Repairing of Ferrous Castings
a) Castings with unacceptable imperfections may be repaired. Whenever an imperfection is removed and
subsequent repair by welding is not required, the affected area shall be blended into the surrounding
surface so as to avoid sharp notches, crevices, or corners.
b) Repairing of Ferrous Castings by Welding – Castings having imperfections in excess of the maximum
sizes permitted in paragraph may be repaired by welding if the imperfections are removed and
providing prior approval is obtained from the vessel Manufacturer. To ensure complete removal of such
imperfections prior to making repairs the base metal shall be reexamined by either magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant examination, if it is magnetic, or by liquid penetrant examination, if it is nonmagnetic.
1) Requirements for Examining Repairs in Castings – All weld repairs of depth exceeding 10 mm (3/8
in.) or 20% of the section thickness, whichever is the lesser, shall be examined by radiography and
by magnetic particle examination or liquid penetrant examination, if the material is magnetic, or by
liquid penetrant examination, if it is nonmagnetic, in accordance with paragraph Where the
depth of the repairs is less than 20% of the section thickness or 25 mm (1 in.), whichever is the
lesser, and where the repaired section cannot be radiographed effectively, the first layer of each 6
mm ( 1/4 in.) thickness of deposited weld metal and the finished weld surface shall be examined, as
indicated previously by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination. The finished surface
examination shall be made after any heat treating operations that are applied to the casting. Weld
repairs resulting from ultrasonic examination shall be examined by ultrasonic methods.
2) Postweld Heat Treatment of Repaired Castings – When repair welding is done after heat treatment
of the casting, the casting shall be postweld heat treated after repair welding of the casting.
3) Required Welding Procedure and Welder Qualifications – All welding shall be performed with a
welding procedure qualified in accordance with Section IX. The procedure qualification tests shall
be performed on specimens of cast material of the same specification and subject to the same heat
treatment before and after welding as will be applied to the work. All welders and operators
performing this welding shall also be qualified in accordance with Section IX.
4) Certification of Weld Repairs – The location and extent of the weld repairs together with the repair
procedure and examination results shall be recorded and transmitted as part of the certification.
3.8.3 Requirements for Nonferrous Castings Examination of Nonferrous Castings
All nonferrous castings shall be examined in accordance with the following:
a) Each casting shall be subjected to 100% visual examination and to liquid penetrant examination on all
surfaces in accordance with paragraph These examinations shall be performed following the
final heat treatment applied to the casting.
b) All parts of castings shall be subjected to complete radiographic examination and the radiographs shall
be compared with the radiographic standards of ASTM E 272, Reference Radiographs for Inspection of
High Strength Copper Base and Nickel-Copper Castings. Acceptable castings shall meet Class 1
standards, if the wall thickness is less than 25 mm (1 in.) or Class 2 standards if the wall thickness is
greater than or equal to 25 mm (1 in.) as defined in the ASTM Specification.
c) All parts of castings with a thickness greater than 305 mm (12 in.) shall be ultrasonically examined in
accordance with the procedures given in SE-114. Any imperfections whose reflections do not exceed a
height equal to 20% of the normal back reflection or do not reduce the height of the back reflection by
more than 30% during movement of the transducer 50 mm (2 in.), in any direction, shall be considered
acceptable. The above limits are established for the use of transducers having approximately 645 mm
(1 in
) of area. Repairing of Nonferrous Castings by Welding
Upon approval by the vessel Manufacturer, castings subject to rejection because of these examinations may
be repaired in accordance with the following requirements.
a) Castings having imperfections in excess of the maximum sizes permitted in paragraph may be
repaired by welding, if the imperfections are removed and provided prior approval is obtained from the
vessel Manufacturer. To assure complete removal of such imperfections, prior to making repairs, the