80 Human-Computer Interaction, New Developments
requirements, as truthfulness, laconicalness, expressiveness, clearness. It is necessary to add
in this list the interdependency between views and good manipulation abilities for their
dialog elements.
Researching metaphors, views and their structures allows to analyse and evaluate existing
design decisions and to project interactive visual systems with necessary properties. This is
the main goal of Computer Metaphor theory. On our opinion both semiotics and metaphor
theory are only the tools for analysis of computer metaphors, but not the main object of
research on Computer Metaphor domain.
Thus, we know how metaphors are structured and how they are generated. We are able to
find new metaphors and to evaluate their properties and opportunities. We have an
experience in design and developing of specialized interactive visual systems which are
based on these metaphors. Now we design specialized visualization systems based on
virtual reality environments. One of our future research directions is connected with
problems of metaphors for virtual reality environments. On the one hand we need in
metaphors to write scenarios for user’s activities in virtual reality. On the other hand we
need in interface metaphors for new (real and virtual) devices to manipulate virtual reality
objects. We have to take into consideration that users of specialized visualization systems
are first of all the “problem solvers”, and these problems may be connected with very
abstract mathematical problems. The question is: what metaphors may help users to
navigate and manipulate in virtual reality environments especially dealing with abstract
computing models.
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