Microsatellite Markers 75
by Boontong et al. (2008) for isolation of eight polymorphic microsatellite markers in
Azadirachta indica (Indian neem) and Gilmore and Peakall (2003) in Cannabis sativa
(Table 5.1). Another variant of the same protocol as defined by Bloor et al. (2001) was
applied by Crozier et al. (2007) for construction of AG- and TG-rich microsatellite libraries
in Ficus racemosa (cluster fig) and Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson fig). Eleven
microsatellite markers were tested for cross-species amplification and genetic diversity
estimations in these species (Crozier et al., 2007). Similarly, a selective hybridization
procedure (Karagyozov et al., 1993) was used for extraction of five and three microsatellite
markers from Ficus montana (oak leaf fig) and Ficus septica (Noboloboi), respectively
(Zavodna et al., 2005). Enriched libraries were also constructed in Hibiscus glaber for
isolation of CT based microsatellite repeats (Ohtani et al., 2008) and ten of these proved
highly polymorphic among natural populations and parentage analysis. Nine microsatellites
could also be cross-amplified in closely related Hibiscus tiliaceous, another plant with
medicinal importance and occurring in the same geographical and ecological regimes
(Ohtani et al., 2008). Such cross-amplifications are important and help to build the
common resources for future development of these species into crop plants. Similarly,
Takayama et al. (2006) discovered microsatellites in Hibiscus tiliaceous and reported their
cross-amplification in H. glaber. Takayama et al. (2006) also mined microsatellites from an
enriched library following FIASCO protocol (discussed below separately).
Microsatellites have been isolated from enriched libraries constructed using the biotin-
streptavadin capture method in a number of medicinal plants described by traditional
Chinese medicine system. Some of the reports include Wang et al. (2008) in Hippophae
rhamnoides (Sea buckthorn), Wan et al. (2008) in Przewalskia tangutica, a Tibetan
medicinal plant belonging to family Solanaceae, Aceto et al. (2003) in Asparagus
acutifolius and Gu
et al. (2007) in Dendrobium officinale, a Chinese medicinal herb. Ma et
al. (2007) used yet another modification of this method as described by Dixit et al. (2005)
for construction of enriched libraries, which were screened to develop 22 polymorphic
microsatellite markers in Panax ginseng (ginseng).
The probability of finding a microsatellite, as described in most of these studies, was
50% on sequencing a clone after enrichment procedure (Table 5.1), much higher than that
in our experience of handling genomic libraries for isolation of microsatellites (Grover et
al., 2009). Our attempts to isolate microsatellites from genomic libraries produced 1%
positive clone at primary level of screening, and subsequently 2% following secondary
Using the enrichment procedure of Fisher et al. (1996) based on 5'-anchored PCR
protocol, Shokeen et al. (2005) developed seven microsatellite markers in Catharanthus
. The PCR required amplification using a degenerate primer with anchored region
being KKVRVRV (K= G/T; V=
G/C/A; R= G/A) followed by a simple sequence
oligonucleotide of appropriate length. In original protocol, the 3' of the primer was
constituted by (CT)
, while Shokeen et al. (2005) substituted it by (AG)
A disadvantage
of this technique is that the microsatellite is often present at the terminal position, and
therefore only one flanking primer can be designed. For genetic diversity analysis, original
degenerate primer has to be used in combination with a single flanking primer (Fisher et
al., 1996; Shokeen et al., 2005). However, in certain cases, internal microsatellite markers
could also be obtained, and they could be used in a conventional way by designing two
flanking primers as usual (Fisher et al., 1996; Shokeen et al., 2005).
Edwards et al. (2007) initially amplified the size-selected DNA using Sau3AI linker
primers, and then followed the enrichment procedures involving hybridization with biotin-