Photos: © Eduard Hueber/Archphoto
Leone Design Studio
his loft is located in what was once a canned-food factory in the SoHo
neighborhood of New York. The building presents one of the typical
structures of the nineteenth century that characterize the neighborhood. The
interior layout, along with the solid iron columns that have been painted
white like the walls, blends with the new design elements created in order to
adapt this space to the needs of a dwelling. These features, however,
transmit an industrial air and bring originality and character to the loft.
To heighten the contrast between the new and the old, the original
outside walls were conserved. In addition two windows were created on the
east wall to increase the flow of natural light. With the aim of maintaining an
open layout typical of lofts and reorganizing the different zones of the
house, a space housing the kitchen, bathroom, and dressing room was
added. The lounge, dining room, bedroom, and entrance hall take up
another space. To overcome the problem of the lack of intimacy in these
open spaces, two structures were decided on: an acrylic and metal panel
positioned behind the library, which shuts off the small lounge, and a linen
curtain surrounding the bed, which also serves as a screen onto which
images can be projected, visible from the lounge as well as from the
bedroom. The curtain rail is suspended from the ceiling directly above the
bed, thus enabling the material to be used as a curtain for the windows when
it is not in use above the bed. The kitchen is separated from the lounge and
reading zone thanks to the painted iron columns that are positioned along
this subtle divide. These elements contrast harmoniously with the modern
lines of the furniture. A sliding stepladder has been fitted on the bookshelves,
which enables all of the modules to be reached with ease.
The elegant bathroom houses materials such as light marble and dark
wooden pieces of furniture, above which a large mirror has been placed
along the front wall.
Leone Design Studio