There is No Substitute for Media Training
early on as the best source of information about your crisis. To do that,
you will need to have spokespeople who have been trained in how to
deal with the media under the most trying of circumstances.
Emmy Award-nominated NBC News reporter Dan Molina is now
an executive media trainer with Shelton & Caudle in Houston, Texas.
Molina says he has seen too many company spokespeople who are dis-
organized, frustrated that they are being thrust into the spotlight and
openly angry at having to deal with the media in the first place. He
Reporters can sense instantly when people are prepared and that they
understand media attention is an inevitable component of a crisis.
They put a human, caring face on the company and demonstrate to
reporters and the public that the crisis, however severe, is in good
A well-managed crisis response, communicated properly, can not only
preserve your image and credibility; it can enhance it.
Who should we train?
After you’ve assembled your crisis communication team, one question
inevitably comes to mind: ‘Who should we train?’ The short answer is:
at least a handful of top management and a number of operational
managers, as well as your professional communicators. A representa-
tive list might include the CEO, a trusted number two/top manager
from the CEO’s office, the COO, heads of various departments, public
relations and marketing leaders, investor relations executives, security
officials, and at least two managers from every facility or operating
unit that’s more than 20 miles from the main office.
Although not all of these individuals will need to be involved in
every crisis, by having trained spokespeople in place you are likely to
be able to locate an appropriate person and be able to have them at the
site of the crisis quickly, if needed. Every one of them should be
capable of instilling a level of confidence and calm, while conveying
the message that the organization is in control of the situation – and
not the other way around.
Another benefit of training a range of spokespeople is that you will
be more easily able to match the level of the person to the level of the
crisis. A PR person may be the appropriate spokesperson if you have a
fire overnight and have to close a store. If people have been injured or