266 Index
Constituent Assembly, economic
reforms and, 36–37
Constitution: of 1791, 10–13; National
Convention, 16–18; of 1795 and the
Directory, 21–22
Corday, Charlotte, Girondins and, 161
Cordeliers, 13; club, and women,
161, 163
Cottage industries, 28
Council of Ancients, legislative power
and, 21
Council of the Five Hundred,
directory legislature and, 21
Crime, 226–35; army deserters and
brigands, 231–33
Cults: of Reason, 152–53; Robspierre
and, 153; of the Supreme Being, 153
Customs, traveling and, 46–47
Dance, and music, 90–91
Declaration of Rights, 12
Deism: Cult of Reason and, 152–53;
Robspierre, and Cult of the
Supreme Being, 152–53
Dentists, 138–41; charlatans, 140
Dépots de Mendicité , prisons and, 231
Desertion, from the military, 217–18,
221, 231–33
Directory, 21–23; censorship and, 101;
fashion and, 77–80; Merveilleuses ,
reaction to, 78–79; Muscadins ,
reaction to, 78–80
Dumouriez, General Charles, 16;
desertion to Austrian army, 17
Economic reforms, 36–37
Economy: and agriculture, 31–32; assig-
nat treasury notes, 37–38; beer and
wine, 29; cost of living, and wages,
29–31; cottage industries, 28; fi shing,
35; foreign trade, 33–35; heavy indus-
try, 26–27; luxury items and textiles,
27–29; taxation, 38–39; unemploy-
ment, and migratory workers, 31
Education, 116–23; church infl uence
on, 116–17; Constitution of
Education, 117; state education,
120–23; student life, 118–20
Enlightenment, age of, 5–6
Estates: National Assembly, the third
estate and, 10–13; organization of
fi rst, second and third, 2;
pre- Revolutionary, 2, 8–10
Estates-General, 8–10; cahiers and,
201; Law of Suspects and, 227–28;
religion and, 147
Fairs, regional, 32–33
Family, ideals, 103–9; revolutionary
changes in, 106–8
Fashion: accessories and hairstyles,
70–72; bourgeoisie, 72, 78–79;
names of children, 75–76; in the
nineteenth century, 80; peas-
ants, 72–72; red bonnet, 76–77;
revolution, and changes in terms of
address, 74–77; under Napoleon, 81
Federalist Revolt (1793), 19–21
Ferrières, marquis de, Palais Royal
and, 181; Estates-general, 182–83
Festivals, celebratory dates, and the
new calendar, 89; religious and
secular, 88–89
Feudalism, abolition of, 8
Feuillants, Legislative Assembly and,
14, 183
Food, 109–16; aristocracy and, 110–12;
bread, 112–14; dining out, 114–15;
drink, 114; Napoleonic era, 115;
prices, 111–12; sample recipes, 116
Foreign trade, 33–35
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine- Quentin, 19
Freemasonry, 184–85
Gabelle , salt tax, 39
Geography, 1
Girondins, 14; National Convention
and, 16–18; revolution and fall of,
20, 21
Grain riots, 156–58
Great Fear, 11, 203–5
Health and medicine, 125–26; dentists,
139–41; physicians and surgeons,
Homosexuality, 233–34
Hospitals, 127–33; military, and
medical services at, 214–16