Time Series Forecasting 209
enter Sales as the response variable. Enter x and all 12 indicator variables as the predictor variables and
click OK. (Recall that we defined the variable x in the previous section as the number of months
elapsed beginning with the first month of the time series). We get the following output from Minitab:
Regression Analysis: Sales versus x, X1, ...
* X12 is highly correlated with other X variables
* X12 has been removed from the equation
The regression equation is
Sales = 37473 + 140 x - 24276 X1 - 23749 X2 - 20271 X3 - 20250 X4 - 18518 X5
- 19575 X6 - 20324 X7 - 18627 X8 - 20878 X9 - 18933 X10 - 13842 X11
Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 37472.7 343.4 109.14 0.000
x 140.130 2.393 58.57 0.000
X1 -24276.2 421.4 -57.61 0.000
X2 -23748.7 421.4 -56.36 0.000
X3 -20271.2 421.3 -48.11 0.000
X4 -20250.5 421.3 -48.07 0.000
X5 -18518.0 421.3 -43.96 0.000
X6 -19574.5 431.4 -45.37 0.000
X7 -20323.6 431.3 -47.12 0.000
X8 -18626.9 431.3 -43.19 0.000
X9 -20878.1 431.2 -48.42 0.000
X10 -18933.0 431.2 -43.91 0.000
X11 -13842.2 431.2 -32.10 0.000
S = 964.1 R-Sq = 98.7% R-Sq(adj) = 98.6%
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 12 7921942577 660161881 710.22 0.000
Residual Error 112 104105638 929515
Total 124 8026048215
Minitab automatically removes the last indicator variable from the equation because it is highly
correlated with the first 11 indicator variables. The
value for the trend-and-season model is 98.7%
which is a dramatic improvement over the trend-only model. Recall that the
value for the trend-
only model was 42.9%.
Another approach to accounting for seasonal variation is to calculate an adjustment factor for each sea-
son. The trend is adjusted each particular season by multiplying it by the appropriate seasonality factor.
Using seasonality factors views the model as a trend component times a seasonal component.
Example 13.4 of PBS calculates the seasonality factors for the retail sales data. Minitab can be used to
calculate seasonality factors by selecting
Stat h Time Series h Decomposition
from the menu. You can use decomposition to separate the time series into linear trend and seasonal
components. You can choose whether the seasonal component is additive or multiplicative with the