The book you hold in your hands was an intensely collabo-
rative endeavor crafted over a span of years. To the contributors who toiled
over their essays with diligence, good humor, and patience, I owe a debt of
gratitude for their professional expertise, thoughtful writing, and personal
generosity. It is a daunting task to attempt to capture the spirit of a decade
as expressed in its culture, politics, and visual art, but all the contributors
brought an amazing array of energy, enthusiasm, and engagement to this
process that made working with them a pleasure. It was truly wonderful to
have them as partners on this sometimes bumpy, often illuminating, always
fascinating trip through ten tumultuous years of American history.
This book started its life in Chicago and came into the world while I was
in Geneva (New York). During this gestation period, I benefited from the
able assistance and backing of many colleagues at both Northwestern Uni-
versity and Hobart and William Smith Colleges, particularly Ellen Levee
(Program Administrator), Teresa Amott (Provost), and Linda Robertson
(Program in Media and Society). As always, I was fortunate to have the
support of my friends and family, most importantly Eugene and Eva Fried-
man, Rachel and Marc and Jessica Friedman, Delia and Sandy Temes,
Anthony and Lee Bucci, and Allison Kavey. My co-editor in this series,
Murray Pomerance, was a perpetual source of amazement, guidance,
energy, and intelligence. To my wife, Rae-Ellen Kavey, I owe a constant
debt for her guidance, patience, encouragement, and love.
The professionals at Rutgers University Press made the often tedious
tasks of bringing a manuscript to the light of day a labor of joy. My thanks
to Marilyn Campbell, Adi Hovav, and Eric Schramm. Leslie Mitchner, in
particular, was a valued partner, an astute editor, and a good friend.
For all of us who came of age in the seventies and fell in love with its
cinema of anti-heroes and art films, of budding auteurs and passionate crit-
ics, of exuberant style and gritty substance, I hope this book will rekindle
the excitement of those heady days when movies challenged, excited, and
inspired us. For those not yet born during the seventies, I hope this book
encourages you to study the era and to seek out the movies of a decade
overflowing with promise, excitement, sadness, and elation.