07Amaro Forests - Chap 06 25/7/03 11:05 am Page 65
65 Linking Process-based and Empirical Models
mensuration-based growth and yield models they can provide information of the
type required by managers and planners (Landsberg, 2003). Some of the most com-
monly cited models in the literature are:
FOREST-BGC (Running and Coughlan, 1988;
Running and Gower, 1991),
CENTURY (Parton et al., 1987), G’DAY (Comins and
McMurtrie, 1993), 3-
PG (Landsberg and Waring, 1997), PROMOD (Battaglia and Sands,
JABOWA (Botkin et al., 1972) and MAESTRO (Wang and Jarvis, 1990). All these
have been used and tested as research tools in different parts of the world, with data
from a range of environments. Several authors argue that the limited application of
process-based models as practical tools is a consequence of the large number of
parameter values required, the complexity of the models and the lack of appropriate
documentation. However, despite these factors, the use of process-based models
must increase our understanding of the environmental factors affecting growth, and
they can be used to estimate potential productivity in areas without forest and
under changing environmental conditions (Mohren and Burkhart, 1994; Korzukhin
et al., 1996). Models with fewer parameters that express the physiological processes
in simple terms are more likely to be used in forest management.
Empirical growth models may be at different levels of detail (Maestri et al.,
1995). They may be size class models, single-tr
ee models, or apply to a whole stand,
depending on the detail required. These models are derived from tree size data from
stands in a range of ages, site indices (SIs), stand densities and management condi-
tions. They are widely used in forest planning activities. However, they are limited
to be transportable to new areas where no measured growth data are available.
Several studies have been done using empirical growth models that include
onmental variables. Hunter and Gibson (1984) used principal component
analysis (PCA) to select soil characteristics and climatic variables that exerted signif-
icant effects on growth. They observed a positive relationship between SI and rain-
fall, nutrients, topsoil depth and soil penetrability of Pinus radiata stands in New
Zealand. Carter and Klinka (1989) related SI of coastal Douglas-fir stands in British
Columbia to available soil micronutrients and soil water deficits during the growth
season. Snowdon et al. (1998) incorporated climatic indices derived from a process-
based model,
BIOMASS, into an empirical growth model, to describe stand height,
basal area and volume in an initial spacing trial with P. radiata. These indices
improved the fit compared with the basic empirical equations by 13%, 22% and 31%
for mean tree height, stand basal area and stand volume, respectively. Woollons et al.
(1997) incorporated climatic variables into a basal area model of P. radiata in New
Zealand, improving the accuracy of the model by 10%.
A hybrid approach combining the main advantages of process-based and
empirical models has been adopted in some cases. Baldwin et al
. (1993) combined a
single-tree empirical model called
PTAEDA2 (Burkhart et al., 1987) with a process-
based model called
MAESTRO (Wang and Jarvis, 1990). Using PTAEDA2 they projected
to a certain age the stand variables used by
MAESTRO: individual mean crown ratio,
crown shape, crown length, and the vertical and horizontal distributions of foliage
biomass. This information was then used by
MAESTRO to calculate biomass produc-
tion, which was fed back to
PTAEDA2 to adjust its predictions. These steps were
repeated to the end of the rotation.
Battaglia et al.
(1999) used the process-based model PROMOD and the empirical
NITGRO developed for Eucalyptus nitens plantations. The resulting hybrid
model was applied in 16 Eucalyptus globulus stands in Tasmania, Australia.
predicted the mean annual increment (MAI, m
/ha/year) and estimated the SI
applying an empirical relationship between MAI and SI.