06Amaro Forests - Chap 05 25/7/03 11:05 am Page 52
52 M. Hauhs et al.
computing extended modelling also to managed ecosystems, including the assess-
ment of forest growth. Yet the predictive power of growth models has not lived up
to the often high expectations derived from other applications (Vanclay and
Skovsgaard, 1997). Forest growth modelling is one example that may even be typical
of the general difficulty in linking and integrating research and management of (for-
est) ecosystems. In an exhaustive poll among German foresters in public service, sci-
ence and research came last when they were asked to rank external factors
potentially significant for sustainable forest management (Schanz, 1995). Scepticism
of managers towards models seems to be related to the generally low reputation of
formal methods and reasoning in silviculture practice.
Modelling is not only a method to bridge this gap between science and man-
agement, it can also help to analyse its causes.
Are growth models under-appreci-
ated by practitioners of silviculture or do models suffer from conceptual and
technical limitations that render them unsuitable for practical management? In any
modelling project, several aspects of the posed problem need to be reconciled: con-
ceptual, mathematical, engineering and ecological aspects. The sceptical attitude of
German foresters towards new growth models is the background for the question: Is
there anything that makes forestry qualitatively distinct from other application areas
of modern IT? In these other fields, weather prediction is such a case; computer
models have had a large and lasting impact on the routines of managers and the
reliability of services provided to customers. Historically, weather prediction mainly
rested on an empirical (and local) basis. Predictions were derived from past experi-
ences, rather than from the solution of well-understood equations describing non-
linear atmospheric transport processes. These days, such equations can be fed with
sufficiently accurate, actual data and solved computationally such that the corre-
sponding predictions now outcompete the crude empirical models of the past in
most cases. Limits in the time horizon of weather predictability are understood as
an inevitable feature of a complex dynamic system. In forestry, however, the yield
table, a form of ‘tabulated experience’, still dominates prediction under operational
conditions. Growth equations have a quite different character from transport equa-
tions; they are heuristic generalizations rather than applications of an underlying
theory. Practical management seems to work, yet often remains based on empirical
predictions that are sometimes outdated by the current context of forestry. Why is it
so hard for rigorous objective observations in forest ecosystems to provide knowl-
edge that is capable of substituting for empirical expertise? Here it is suggested that
the answer is interaction. Unlike the links to the weather system, any ecosystem
management includes interactive relationships at the scales relevant for managers.
The following discussion will show how it is technically possible to reflect interac-
tive relationships in modern software technology, and an application of a prototype
of such a model will be sketched out.
We use a specific task typical of German forestry, in order to analyse and dis-
cuss the challenges and opportunities that for
est growth modelling offers as an
application area of IT. The example is a series of thinning operations that typically
occur over the extended rotation periods for managed tree species of central Europe.
For Norway spruce, the economically most important species, the total timber yield
from such thinnings is about the same as the final harvest. Expertise in selective
thinning, the ability to regulate the growth competition among individual trees or
small groups of trees, can be regarded as a paradigmatic example of practical silvi-
cultural knowledge and expertise. Of course, the economic and ecological rationale
on which thinning decisions were based will have changed over the last rotation
period (80–120 years) due to the changing social, economic and environmental
boundary conditions of forestry. At the same time the regional, and sometimes even