A is pronounced in 2 ways:
• in stressed syllables [a], a little closer than a in father, cf.:
sang [sa ] m blood, Tomàs [tu'mas] Thomas;
• in unstressed syllables [ ], like a in above, cf.:
cosa ['k z ] f thing, ajuda [ ' uð ] f aid.
E is pronounced in 3 ways:
• in stressed position it denotes:
o open [ ], like French ê in père, cf.:
èxit [' gzit] m success, compleixo [kum'pl u] v I comply, fe [f ] f faith.
o close [e], like French é in été, cf.:
bé [be] adj good, fer [fe] v to do, carrer [ka' e] m street.
• in unstressed position [ ], like English e in copper, cf.:
pomes ['pom s] fpl. apples, estiu [ s'tiu] m summer, el [ l] art the.
I is prononced like English ee in seem in both stressed and unstressed positions, cf.:
camí [k 'mi] m way, canvi ['kamßi] m change, i [i] conj and.
O is pronounced in 3 ways:
• In stressed position, it may have one of two sounds:
o open [ ], like French o in robe, cf.:
mòlt [m lt] v ground, dona ['d n ] f woman.
o close [o], like French eau in peau, cf.:
dóna ['don ] v it gives, molt [molt] adv much.
• In unstressed position [u], like English oo in food, cf.:
sovint [su'ßin] adv often, donar [du'na] v to give;
U is pronounced roughly like English oo in food in both stressed and unstressed positions, cf.:
música ['muzik ] f music, dibuix [di'ßu ] m drawing, u [u] num one.
It is soundless in the combinations gue, gui, que, qui.
Catalan has two semivowels, [j] and [w], written as i and u before vowels, cf.:
• noia ['n j ] f girl, diuen ['diw n] v they say.