Pl. 1. mf nosaltres we
mf nos (to) us 'ns ens --
2. mf vosaltres you
mf vos (to) you us -- --
3. m ells they
Acc. m los them 'ls els --
f ellas they
Acc. f les them -- -- --
Pol. Vostês You
Dat. mf los to them 'ls els --
Reflexive (si) themselves
Reflexive se themselves 's es s'
See also Forms of Address, Reflexive verbs.
The stressed forms
The stressed pronouns are used emphatically as subject of the verb, or with preposition, cf.
• Jo t’estimo. (T’estimo.) I love you.
• Aquest regal és per a ella. This present is for her.
Note that the form me for 1p. sg. is used after a preposition, cf.:
• Dóna-m’ho a mi. Give it to me.
The unstressed forms
The unstressed pronouns can function as both direct and indirect objects (i.e., accusative and
dative), and also as reflexives and reciprocals. In the third person, different forms are used for
each of these grammatical functions.
The unstressed pronouns may be of full, reduced, reinforced and elided form, although not all of
them are available for all pronouns.
The full form is used after a verb ending in a consonant or dipthongal -u; some full forms are
also used as the initial element of a pronoun combination, regardless of position relative to the
• Pots deixar-me tranquil·la? Can you leave me in peace?
• Creieu-me. Believe me.
• Volen comprar-nos un pis. They want to buy an apartment from us.
The reduced form is used after a verb ending in a vowel other than -u.
• Deixa’m tranquil·la, vols? Leave me in peace, will you?
• Porta’ns el diari. Bring us the newspaper.
The reinforced form is used before a verb beginning with a consonant.
• Em van donar un premi. They gave me an award.
• El convencerem d’alguna manera. We will somehow convince him.
• El gat es renta. The cat is washing itself.
• Els observes de lluny. You are watching them from a distance.
The elided form is used before a verb beginning with a vowel.