Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, March 18, 2005
which it must be attached. Observations in the field have shown that where a
heavy facade is erected to a greater height on one side of a multistory building
than on the other, the Structural Steel framing will be pulled out of alignment.
Facades should be erected at a relatively uniform rate around the perimeter of
the structure.
7.13.3. Prior to placing or applying any other materials, the Owner's Designated
Representative for Construction shall determine that the location of the
Structural Steel is acceptable for plumbness, elevation and alignment. The
Erector shall be given either timely notice of acceptance by the Owner's
Designated Representative for Construction, or a listing of specific items that
are to be corrected in order to obtain acceptance. Such notice shall be rendered
promptly upon completion of any part of the work and prior to the start of work
by other trades that may be supported, attached or applied to the Structural Steel
7.14. Correction of Errors
The correction of minor misfits by moderate amounts of reaming, grinding,
welding or cutting, and the drawing of elements into line with drift pins, shall be
considered to be normal erection operations. Errors that cannot be corrected
using the foregoing means, or that require major changes in member or
Connection configuration, shall be promptly reported to the Owner's Designated
Representatives for Design and Construction and the Fabricator by the Erector,
to enable the responsible entity to either correct the error or approve the most
efficient and economical method of correction to be used by others.
As used in this Section, the term “moderate” refers to the amount of reaming,
grinding, welding or cutting that must be done on the project as a whole, not the
amount that is required at an individual location. It is not intended to address
limitations on the amount of material that is removed by reaming at an
individual bolt hole, for example, which is limited by the bolt-hole size and
tolerance requirements in the AISC and RCSC Specifications.
7.15. Cuts, Alterations and Holes for Other Trades
Neither the Fabricator nor the Erector shall cut, drill or otherwise alter their
work, nor the work of other trades, to accommodate other trades, unless such
work is clearly specified in the Contract Documents. When such work is so
specified, the Owner's Designated Representatives for Design and Construction
shall furnish complete information as to materials, size, location and number of
alterations in a timely manner so as not to delay the preparation of Shop and
Erection Drawings.
7.16. Handling and Storage
The Erector shall take reasonable care in the proper handling and storage of the
Structural Steel during erection operations to avoid the accumulation of excess