B.5.10. Lemma. (hom (G,H),+) is an abelian group.
Proof. Straightforward.
B.5.11. Lemma. Let G be any group that is isomorphic to Z. If h Œ hom (G,G), then
there is a unique integer k such that h(g) = kg for all g in G.
Proof. Since G is isomorphic to Z, there is some g
in G so that G = Zg
. It fol-
lows that h(g
) = kg
for some integer k, because {g
} is a basis for G. The fact that
) =•implies that the integer k is unique. Now let g be any element of G. Again,
there is some integer t with g = tg
. Thus,
and the lemma is proved.
Lemma B.5.11 implies that if G ª Z, then hom (G,G) = Z1
ª Z.
B.6 Rings
Definition. A ring is a triple (R,+,·) where R is a set and + and · are two binary oper-
ations on R, called addition and multiplication, respectively, satisfying the following:
(1) (R,+) is an abelian group.
(2) The multiplication · is associative.
(3) For all a, b, c Œ R we have
(a) (left distributativity)
(b) (right distributativity)
Two standard examples of rings are Z and Z
Definition. A ring in which the multiplication is commutative is called a commuta-
tive ring. A ring with a multiplicative identity is called a ring with unity. An element
of a ring with unity is called a unit if it has a multiplicative inverse in R.
Definition. Let (R,+,·) be a ring. If A is a subset of R and if (A,+,·) is a ring, then
(A,+,·) is called a subring of R.
Note. From now on, like in the case of groups, we shall not explicitly mention the
operations + and · for a ring(R,+,·) and simply refer to “the ring R.” Products “r · s”
will be abbreviated to “rs.”
Definition. A subset I of a ring R with the property that
(1) I is an additive subgroup of R (equivalently, a - b Œ I for all a, b Œ I), and
(2) ra, ar Œ I for all r Œ R and a Œ I,