often used interchangeably. In particular, one uses the same terms, such as “degen-
erate,” “nondegenerate,” “positive definite,” or “discriminant” for both. One will some-
times also find the term “bilinear form” used instead of “bilinear map.”
Note. In this book we shall often use the more popular term “quadratic form” even
though we may interpret it as a quadratic map because that is typically more con-
venient computationally. Specifically, when the field k does not have characteristic 2,
we shall always feel free to switch between a quadratic form and the appropriate cor-
responding quadratic map with its unique associated symmetric bilinear map whose
symmetric matrix is unique up to congruence.
Now, an arbitrary quadratic form can be quite complicated. Key to understand-
ing them is the fact that one can always choose a basis, so that with respect to this
basis, the form has a nice simple structure.
1.9.10. Theorem. (The Principal Axes Theorem) Given a quadratic form q defined
on R
, there exists an orthonormal basis for R
with respect to which q has the
The difference s - t is called the signature of the quadratic form or the associated
symmetric bilinear map.
Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Theorem 1.8.11. The integers s and t,
and hence the signature, are independent of the basis and hence invariants of the
quadratic form.
If we do not insist on an orthonormal basis for the diagonalization of a quadratic
form, then there is a weaker version of Theorem 1.9.10. It is interesting because there
is a simpler algorithm for finding a diagonalizing basis for a quadratic form. Here is
its matrix form.
1.9.11. Theorem. If A is a real symmetric n ¥ n matrix of rank r, then A is con-
gruent to a unique diagonal matrix whose first s diagonal entries are +1, the next
r - s entries are -1, and the remaining entries are zeros.
Proof. We sketch a proof. For more details, see [Fink72]. Assume that A is not the
zero matrix; otherwise, there is nothing to prove.
Step 1. To make A congruent to a matrix A
that has a nonzero diagonal element.
If A has a nonzero diagonal element, then let A
= A. If all diagonal elements of
A are zero, let a
be any nonzero entry of A. Let E be the elementary matrix E
which has 1s on the diagonal, a 1 in the jith place, and zeros everywhere else. Let
. The matrix A
is obtained from A by adding the jth row of A to the ith
row followed by adding the jth column of the result to the ith column. It is easy to
see that the ith diagonal element of A
is 2a
and hence nonzero.