112-14; cri.cs of 1-2, 4, 88-9, 111-14;
dislike of abstrac.on
4, 27, 37-8, 79-80, 83-5;
disliked English language 51;
engagement with architecture and
architects 1, 3, 91; inOuence 1-2, 4, 88,
91-2, 105, 113-14; philosophy of and
expert architecture, a1empts to
98-9; reputa.on 1-2, 113-14; 'turn' 19-
20; at Todtnauberg 6,
17-18, 18, 20, 31, 65, 66; as
unconven.onal thinker 3-4, 33, 35;
see also being; etymology; fourfold
'high' architecture 2-3
Holderlin, Friedrich 19, 33, 74-5, 83;
poetry 77-9 Holl,
Steven 106, 109
Holzwege 6, 11, 84
horizons 6, 43, 49, 55-8
housing crisis, post-war 21, 36, 39,
human experience 2-3, 22, 26, 46,
97, 103, 107; mathema.cs and
58-62; phenomenology and 83, 112;
place and 51-2; poetry and
87; science and 28, 58-62, 85
human history, buildings and 49
Husserl, Edmund 16, 17, 27
inhabita.on 3 innocence 13 insight,
sudden 84-5 ins.nct 4-5, 80-2, 98, 111
Jacobs, Jane 3
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard see Le
jug 25-6, 28-35, 48, 60
Jugendsl 36
Kahn, Louis 98, 100, 105 Kant, Immanuel 17
Kierkegaard, S0ren 17, 89 Kisiel, Theodor 17
Lake District 6-14
landscape 6-14, 17, 33; bridges and
47; master of man 77 language 23, 25,
27, 76-7; personal
language, fourfold as Heidegger's
33; see also etymology Lao Tse 86; see
also Tao Te Ching
Le Corbusier 38, 91 Leach, Neil 73-5, 111-13
Lefaivre, Liane 105 Leibniz, GoWried 7
Lincoln Cathedral 38 Lingis, Alphonso 80
logic 11-12, 33 Luther, Mar.n 17
Lyotard, Jean-Frangois 73-4, 111-13
Marcuse, Herbert 18
Marxism 18, 89, 112
materials see building materials
mathema.cs 58-62, 79; see also science
measuring 79-82, 92; and crea.on
81; fourfold and 79
media 23, 24
Meister Eckhart 33, 86
modernism, architectural 100, 112;
'modern pioneers' 100-1;
see also names o f individual
architects modernity 23, 101; see also
media Morris, William 13 mortality 43, 45;
see also fourfold mountains 6-14, 12, 17,
33, 111
mys.cism 3, 19, 25, 33, 45, 84, 86,
96, 112-13 myth 33, 49, 53, 96, 112
nature 12-13, 16, 45, 101, 112;
see also mountains Nazism 1-2, 4, 19,
89-90, 105;
roman.cism and 12-3, 74-5 nearness
24-6, 34-5, 29, 63, 70,