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Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2000. She then worked at Endesa,
Madrid, Spain, at the Department of Electrical Market. Currentl y, she works at the
Swedish Energy Agency in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Email: Eva.Centeno@stem.se.
Per Lundsager started working full-time with wind energy in 1975, including R&D,
assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of energy systems and concepts,
for wind energy and other renewables. Between 1984 and 1993 he was head of the wind
diesel development programme at Risø National Laboratory. As senior consultant he
has been advisor to the national wind energy centres in the USA, Canada, Finland,
Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Poland, Brazil, India and Egypt, regarding projects, pro-
grammes and strategies. He has also been manager and/or participant in projects and
studies in the USA, Canada and Europe, including Greenland, Eastern Europe, Africa
and Asia. Email: per.lundsager@risoe.dk.
Matthias Luther received a PhD in the field of electrical switchgear devices from the
Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. In 1993, he joined PreussenElektra
AG, Germany. He was the project manager of various European network studies,
mainly concerning system stability. Between 1998 and 2000 he was in charge of network
development and customer services at the Engineering and Sales Department of
PreussenElektra Netz. Presently, Matthias Luther is head of network planning at E.ON
Netz GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany. He is member of several national and international
institutions and panels. Email: Matthias.luther@eon-energie.com.
Julija Matevosyan (Sveca) received a BSc degree in electrical engineering from Riga
Technical University, Latvia, in 1999. From 1999 to 2000 she worked as a planning
engineer in the Latvian power company Latvenergo. She received an MSc in electrical
engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2001. She is
currently working at the Royal Institute of Technology towards a PhD on the large-
scale integration of wind power in areas with limited transmission capability. Email:
Poul Erik Morthorst has a MEcon from the University of A
rhus and is a senior research
specialist in the Systems Analysis Department at Risø National Laboratory. He joined
this institute in 1978. His work has focused on general energy and environmental
planning, development of long-term scenarios for energy, technology and environmen-
tal systems, evaluation of policy instruments for regulating energy and environment and
the assessment of the economics of renewable energy technologies, especially wind
power. He has participated in a large number of projects within these fields and has
extensive experience in international collaboration. Email: p.e.morthorst@risoe.dk.
Jørgen Nyga
rd Nielsen received a BScEE from the Engineering College of Sønderborg,
Denmark, in 1984. From 1984 to 1988 he worked on developing digital control systems
and designing software for graphical reproduction systems. Between 1988 and 1994
he was a lecturer at the College of Chemical Laboratory and Technician Education,
Copenhagen. In 1996, he received an MScEE from the Technical University of
Denmark and in 2000 an industrial PhD, a joint project between the Technical
xxiv Contributors