The impact of information technology
68 kaplanpublishing
The impact of information technology Chapter 5
MRP1 - ‘material requirements planning’. A system that allows planned production to be expressed
in the form of a full listing of the required materials and components.
MRP2 - ‘manufacturing resource planning’. MRP1 extended to include a listing of labour, machine,
facility, transport and finance utilisation.
ERP - ‘enterprise resource planning’. An advanced development of MRP2 extended to include sales
and customer details, and which may offer a degree of integration with the budgeting system.
SCM - ‘supply chain management’. The final development of MRP and ERP, which extends the
planning model both up and down the supply chain to include both suppliers and customers.
Recent exam questions
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Material Materialand business planningthrough
procurement plantutilisation operation allbusinesseson
planning planning planning asupplychain
MRp1 MRp2 ERp sCM
1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s
Exam focus