Accountancy Tuition Centre (International Holdings) Ltd 2009 0709
Appropriate carrying amount (subsequent) e.g. lower
of cost and net realisable value (NRV) correctly applied
considering, for example, damage due to environmental
factors, decline in the market, technical obsolescence,
excessive quantities held.
Calculation of NRV is usually problematic, in that it
usually requires estimates of both selling price, costs of
making the sale and rectification costs of the inventory
concerned. Events after the reporting date may help to
crystallize some of these amounts.
Rights, e.g. “Reservation of Title” clauses. Unless there
are serious doubts about going concern, the accounting
treatment is usually to treat such items as being part of
inventory. The amount of inventory that is subject to
such “Romalpa” clauses should be disclosed, if
material, when going concern is in doubt.
Existence, e.g. inventories held at third parties and third
party inventory held at client’s premises
Construction contracts
For companies involved in construction contracts the
balances arising will almost certainly be material in the
statement of financial position, and the revenue recognized in
the income statement will similarly be material.
Relevant accounting standards
IAS 11 Construction Contracts
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs – where the “qualifying asset”
is recorded as a construction contract.
Assertions most at risk
Completeness, e.g. misclassify items of plant,
equipment and inventory, as balances arising under
construction contracts. There is also clearly an
“incentive” to incompletely account for any expected
losses on contracts underway.
Measurement (initial) e.g. managements may be
reluctant to account for a foreseeable loss, especially
when a contract has not yet started.