Accountancy Tuition Centre (International Holdings) Ltd 2009 0310
Ensuring (at least) senior personnel providing the
non-assurance service do not participate in the
assurance engagement.
Appropriate assurance testing carried out (e.g.
normal audit testing to be carried out by audit staff
rather than rely on evidence produced by non-
audit staff under non-audit conditions).
Activities that are specifically barred, because no
safeguard would be sufficient, include:
authorizing, executing or preparing a transaction
(e.g. being a cheque signatory on the client’s
exercising authority on behalf of the assurance
client (e.g. placing a purchase order);
making management decisions (e.g. which
information system to purchase); or
reporting, in a management capacity, to those
charged with governance.
For listed and public interest company audit clients, a
practice should not participate in preparing accounts
and accounting records, except to assist in routine
clerical (“mechanical”) or emergency situations.
Recruitment of key managerial/financial/administrative
staff – audit practice may advertise, interview, “short
list” and recommend but final decision must be client’s.
A firm should not audit financial statements which
include a specialist valuation (e.g. actuarial valuations,
valuations of intellectual property and brands, other
intangible assets, property and unquoted investments)
carried out by the firm (or an associated firm or
organization in the same country or overseas).
NOTE: Sarbannes-Oxley Act 2002 (USA) has
prohibited firms from providing most non-audit services
for US listed companies they audit (safeguards are
Review procedures
Audit firms must have review procedures, including an
annual review, to ensure each engagement may be
properly accepted or continued and to identify
situations where independence may be at risk.
Where an audit assignment can only be accepted or
continued with safeguards, the engagement partner’s
decision and the range of safeguards appropriate to the
assignment must reviewed by an independent partner
unconnected with the engagement.