© EWP Go to www.emilewoolfpublishing.com for Q/As, Notes & Study Guides 525
Risk 90
Riskandreturnininvestments 114
Riskmanagementandinternalcontrol 30
Riskmanagementframework 34
Riskmodelling 94
Scenario analysis 303
Sensitivity analysis 93
Settlement dates 351
Share buy-back 285
Share repurchase scheme 285
Shareholder value added 252
Short-term interest rate future (STIR) 367
Single period capital rationing 196
Social footprint 45
Sources of debt 300
Sources of equity 299
Sources of short-term finance 300
Spot rates 314
Spreads 152
Standard normal distribution table 107
Stakeholder interests: conflict 20
resolution 26
Static trade-off theory 182
Stakeholder theory 25
Straight line method 76
Stress testing 303
Sustainability reporting 47
Swap rates 339
Swaption 392
Synergy 233
Synthetic agreement for forward 323
exchange (SAFE)
Systematic risk 130
securities 132
Takeover Code 235
Takeovers 230
Taxation and DCF 75
Taxation and international investment 214
Tax-allowable depreciation 76
Tax exhaustion 79
Term structure of interest rates 151
Theta 420
Ticks 356
Transaction cost economics (TCE) 23
Transaction cost theory 23
Transaction risk 211
Translation risk 212
Treasury bills 294
Treasury function 298
Triple bottom line reports 48
Two-asset portfolio 119
Uncertainty 90
Unsystematic risk 130
Valuationassumptions 264
Valuationmethods 239
Value at Risk models (VaR) 302
Variableratedebt 148
Vega 420
Venturecapitalfinance 284
Weightedavergaecostofcapital 142
calculation 155
capitalinvestmentappraisal 143
marketvalue 157
World bank 437
World Trade Organisation (WTO) 433