Practice questions
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Carry out an appraisal of the investment using each of the three following methods:
(a) NPV of the project, using the company’s current weighted average cost of
capital (WACC)
(b) NPV of the project, using a WACC adjusted for business risk and financial risk
(c) the adjusted present value (APV) of the project.
19 More APV
Pobol Company specialises in business consultancy, but its directors are considering
an investment in software development, which would represent a major
diversification of the company’s business activities. The following draft financial
proposal has been prepared:
Year 0 1 2 3 4
$000 $000 $000 $000 $000
Revenue 6,800 7,800 8,800 9,200
Cash operating costs 5,500 6,600 7,100 7,500
Allocated head office costs 100 150 150 200
Royalty payments 600 500 400 300 200
Market research costs 120 - - - -
720 6,100 7,150 7,550 7,900
Expenditure on equipment 3,000
Working capital 400
The following information is also available:
The project will have a six-year life.
All prices are calculated in money terms, allowing for inflation. After Year 4, it
is expected that revenues and cash operating costs will remain unchanged in
real terms, but will increase at the rate of inflation which is expected to be 3%
per year. Royalty payments are expected to be $200,000 per year in Years 5
and 6.
Head office cash flows wil increase as a consequence of the investment by
$50,000 per year in Years 1 – 3 and by $60,000 per year in Years 4 – 6.
The market research costs in Year 0 have already been incurred.
Highly-skilled consultancy staff will have to be switched to managing the
project, resulting in lost contribution of $100,000 per year in Years 1 and 2.
The working capital investment will remain unchanged. The investment in
equipment and working capital will be financed by a new six-year loan at 6%
interest. Issue costs for the loan will be 2% and are not tax-allowable.
The cash for the royalty payments and market research in Year 0 come from
internally-generated cash flows.
Tax is payable at the rate of 25%, and is payable in the same year that the tax
liability arises.
Tax-allowable depreciation will be 20% in Year 1 and will then be a constant
amount for the next five years.