Chapter 4: Marketing and the value of goods and services
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Service. These are all the activities that occur after the point of sale, such as
installation, warranties, repairs and maintenance, providing training to the
employees of customers and after-sales service.
The nature of the activities in the value chain varies from one industry to another,
and there are also differences between the value chain of manufacturers, retailers
and other service industries. However, the concept of the primary value chain is
valid for all types of business entity.
3.4 Secondary value chain activities: support activities
In addition to the primary value chain activities, there are also secondary activities
or support activities. Porter identified these as:
Procurement. These are activities concerned with buying the resources for the
entity – materials, plant, equipment and other assets.
Technology development. These are activities related to any development in the
technological systems of the entity, such as product design (research and
development) and IT systems. Technology development is an important activity
for innovation. ‘Technology’ also includes acquired knowledge: in this sense all
activities have some technology content, even if this is just acquired knowledge.
Human resources management. These are the activities concerned with
recruiting, training, developing and rewarding people in the organisation.
Corporate infrastructure. This relates to the organisation structure and its
management systems, including planning and finance management, quality
management and information systems management.
Support activities are often seen as necessary ‘overheads’ to support the primary
value chain, but value can also be created by support activities. For example:
Procurement can add value by identifying a cheaper source of materials or
Technology development can add value to operations with the introduction of a
new IT system
Human resources management can add value by improving the skills of
employees through training.
Corporate infrastructure can help to create value by providing a better
management information system that helps management to make better
3.5 Adding value
Strategic management should look for ways of adding value, because this improves
competitiveness (creates competitive advantage).
Management should look for ways of adding more value at each stage in the
primary value chain.
Similarly, management should consider ways in which support activities can
add more value.