Chapter 6: Audit planning and risk assessment
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the nature of the entity and the industry in which it operates. For example, a
company in the construction industry operates in a volatile and high-risk
environment, and items in its financial statements are more likely to be
misstated than items in the financial statements of companies in a more low-risk
environment, such as a manufacturer of food and drinks.
When inherent risk is high, this means that there is a high risk of misstatement of an
item in the financial statements.
Inherent risk operates independently of controls. It cannot be controlled. The
auditor must accept that the risk exists and will not ‘go away’.
Control risk
Control risk is the risk that a misstatement would not be prevented or detected by
the internal control systems that the client has in operation.
In preparing an audit plan, the auditor needs to make an assessment of control risk
for different areas of the audit. Evidence about control risk can be obtained through
‘tests of control’.
The initial assumption should be that control risk is very high, and that existing
internal controls are insufficient to prevent the risk of material misstatement.
However, tests of control may provide sufficient evidence to justify a reduction in
the estimated control risk, for the purpose of audit planning. Tests of control are
covered in detail in a later chapter.
Detection risk
Detection risk is the risk that the audit testing procedures will fail to detect a
misstatement in a transaction or in an account balance. For example, if detection
risk is 10%, this means that there is a 10% probability that the audit tests will fail to
detect a material misstatement.
Detection risk can be lowered by carrying out more tests in the audit. For example,
to reduce the detection risk from 10% to 5%, the auditor should carry out more tests.
In preparing an audit plan, the auditor will usually:
set an overall level of audit risk which he judges to be acceptable for the
particular audit
assess the levels of inherent risk and control risk, and then
adjust the level of detection risk in order to achieve the overall required level of
risk in the audit.
In other words, the detection risk can be managed by the auditor in order to control
the overall audit risk. Inherent risk cannot be controlled. Control risk can be
reduced by improving the quality of internal controls. However, recommendations
to the client about improvements in its internal controls can only affect control risk
in the future, not control risk for the financial period that is subject to audit.
However, audit risk can be reduced by increasing testing, and reducing detection