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The maximum price that the London centre would be willing to pay is £1,200,
which is the cost of using an external trainer.
It would be in the best interests of the company as a whole to use the
Liverpool trainers to work for Liverpool clients, earning a contribution of £900
per day, rather than use them in London to save net costs of £750 per day
(£1,200 – £200 – £250).
The transfer price should be set at £1,350 per trainer day. At this rate, the
London centre will use external trainers, and all the Liverpool trainers will be
used in Liverpool.
58 Shadow price
(a) The shadow price of the special chemical is the amount by which total
contribution would be reduced (or increased) if one unit less (or more) of the
chemical were available.
1 kilogram = 1,000 grams; therefore one kilogram of special chemical will
produce 100 tablets (1,000/10 grams per tablet).
Shadow price of the chemical $
Sales value of 100 tablets (× $10)
Further processing costs in B (× $2)
Variable cost of making the chemical in A 500
Shadow price per kilogram of chemical 300
(b) The special chemical does not have an intermediate market.
The ideal transfer price for A is therefore any price above the variable cost
of making the chemical, which is $500 per kilogram.
The ideal transfer price for B is anything below the net increase in
contribution from processing a kilogram of the chemical. This is $1,000 –
$200 = $800 per kilogram.
There is no single ideal price. Any price in the range above $500 and below
$800 should make the managers of both profit centres want to produce up
to the capacity in division A.
A transfer price in the middle of the range, say $650, might be agreed.
(c) The transfer price is needed to share the profit from selling the tablets between
divisions A and B. It is an internally negotiated price. Changing the price will
not affect the total profit for the company as a whole, provided that division A
produces the chemical up to its production capacity.
The transfer price itself should not be used as a basis for judging performance.
Having agreed a transfer price, key financial measures of performance will be
control over costs for division A and control over costs and the selling price
for tablets for division B.
(The divisions are profit centres, and so the performance of the divisional
managers should not be assessed on the basis of ROI or residual income.)