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Paper F3 (INT)
Financial Accounting
Incomplete records
1 Thenatureofincompleterecords
2 Techniquesforincompleterecords
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The nature of incomplete records
The meaning of incomplete records
Dealing with incomplete records
1 The nature of incomplete records
1.1 The meaning of incomplete records
Incomplete records, as the term suggests, are accounting records where information
is missing. Problems of incomplete records often arise with small businesses of sole
traders. The owner of the business does not bother to keep up-to-date accounting
records, and does not have a double entry book-keeping system. He simply keeps
invoices or receipts for expenses and copies of invoices to customers. In addition,
details of bank transactions can be obtained from a bank statement or other banking
The task of the accountant is to use these invoices, receipts and banking records,
together with other information obtained from the business owner, to prepare
financial statements for the year (and in particular an income statement, which
provides a basis for calculating the taxable income of the business owner from his or
her business).
1.2 Dealing with incomplete records
In examinations, questions on incomplete records are useful for testing knowledge
and understanding of book-keeping and accounts. The task is often to identify the
missing figures that the incomplete records do not provide.
Examples of incomplete records described in this chapter include:
establishing the value of assets and liabilities to calculate the business capital,
particularly opening capital at the start of the financial period
using memorandum control accounts, for receivables or payables, to calculate
the sales or purchases for the period
using a memorandum account for bank and cash transactions, to establish a
missing figure for cash income or cash payments, such as a missing figure for
cash taken from the business by the owner as drawings
using the gross profit percentage to establish a cost of sales, or a missing figure
such as the value of inventory stolen or lost in a fire.
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Techniques for incomplete records
Calculation of opening capital
Memorandum control accounts
Memorandum cash and bank account
Using the gross profit percentage and mark-up percentage
Missing inventory figure
Profit and opening and closing net assets
2 Techniques for incomplete records
2.1 Calculation of opening capital
Occasionally, it might be necessary to establish the opening capital of a sole trader.
This can be done simply by obtaining figures for the assets and liabilities of the
business at the beginning of the financial period. Opening capital is the difference
between total assets and total liabilities. (Non-current assets for this purpose are
measured at their carrying amount, i.e. net book value.)
A sole trader does not keep any accounting records, and you have been asked to
prepare an income statement and statement of financial position for the financial
year just ended. To do this, you need to establish the opening capital of the business
at the beginning of the year.
You obtain the following information about assets and liabilities at the beginning of
the year:
Motorvan(balancesheetvaluation) 1,600
Bankoverdraft 560
Cashinhand 50
Receivables 850
Tradepayables 370
Payablesforotherexpenses 90
Inventory 410
Calculate the capital of the business as at the beginning of the year.
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$ $
 2,910
Bankoverdraft 560
Tradepayables 370
Payablesforotherexpenses 90
 1,020
 1,890
2.2 Memorandum control accounts
A memorandum account is an account that is not a part of a proper ledger
accounting system. When there are incomplete records, a memorandum account can
be used to calculate a ‘missing’ figure, such as a figure for sales or purchases and
expenses in the period.
Calculating a missing figure for sales
The records of a sole trader might be incomplete because the trader does not keep
any record of sales in the period. However, it might be possible to obtain the
following figures:
receivables at the beginning of the year (from last year’s balance sheet)
receivables at the end of the year, from copies of unpaid sales invoices
money banked during the year (assumed to be money from customers for sales)
any bad debts written off.
Where a business makes some sales for cash, there might also be a figure for cash
sales where the money has not been banked. The amount of these cash sales might
be calculated from the sum of:
the increase in cash in hand at the end of the year plus
any expenses paid in cash, for which receipts are available.
An accountant is looking through the records of a sole trader who does not have a
bookkeeping system. He has established the following information.
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Receivablesatthebeginningoftheyear 650
Receivablesattheendoftheyear 720
Baddebtwrittenoffduringtheyear 800
Moneypaidintothebusinessbankaccount 58,600
Cashsaleswherethemoneywasnotbanked 300
The sales for the year can be calculated as the balancing figure in a receivables
memorandum account.
$ $
Openingbalance 650 Moneybanked 58,600
Sales 59,770 Cashsales,moneynotbanked 300
(=balancingfigure,60,420650)Baddebtwrittenoff 800
Closingbalance 720
60,420 60,420
The same calculation could be presented in a vertical format, as follows:
Receivablesatthebeginningoftheyear 650
Receivablesattheendoftheyear 720
Increase/(decrease)inreceivables 70
Moneypaidintothebusinessbankaccount 58,600
Cashsaleswherethemoneywasnotbanked 300
Baddebtwrittenoffduringtheyear 800
Salesfortheyear 59,770
Exercise 1
From the following information calculate the sales for the period:
Receivablesatthestartoftheperiod 2,400
Receivablesattheendoftheperiod 1,800
Cashbankedduringtheperiod 12,500
Baddebtwrittenoff 200
Calculating the missing figure for purchases
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An accountant is looking through the records of a sole trader who does not have a
book-keeping system. He has established the following information.
Payablesatthebeginningoftheyear 1,200
Payablesattheendoftheyear 1,800
Moneypaidoutofthebusinessbankaccounttosuppliers 18,700
The purchases for the year can be calculated as the balancing figure in a payables
memorandum account.
$ $
Cashpaid 18,700 Openingbalance 1,200
Closingbalance 1,800 Purchases(balancingfigure) 19,300
20,500 20,500
The same calculation could be presented in a vertical format, as follows:
Payablesatthebeginningoftheyear 1,200
Payablesattheendoftheyear 1,800
Increase/(decrease)inreceivables 600
Moneypaidoutofthebusinessbankaccount 18,700
Purchasesfortheyear 19,300
Exercise 2
From the following information calculate the purchases for the period:
Payablesatthestartoftheperiod 1,400
Payablesattheendoftheperiod 1,900
Cashpaidtosuppliersduringtheperiod 11,300
2.3 Memorandum cash and bank account
A memorandum account may also be used to record transactions in cash (notes and
coins) and through the bank account, in order to establish a missing figure for a cash
payment or possibly a cash receipt.
You might be given figures for:
cash in hand and in the bank account at the beginning of the year
cash in hand and in the bank account at the end of the year
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cash receipts (cash, cheques and other forms of receiving money)
payments during the period for purchases, salaries and other cash expenses.
If there is a missing figure for a cash payment, this should emerge as a balancing figure.
Note: Cash in hand consists of banknotes and coins. Often, it is just petty cash.
However, some businesses hold a large amount of cash in hand because they sell
goods for cash; for example, retail stores may hold fairly large quantities of cash in
An accountant is trying to prepare the financial statements of a sole trader from
incomplete records. A problem is that the owner of the business admits to having taken
cash from the business, but he has not kept a record of how much he has taken. The
accountant has established the following information:
Cashinhandatthebeginningoftheyear 200
Bankbalanceatthebeginningoftheyear 2,300
Cashinhandattheendoftheyear 500
Bankbalanceattheendoftheyear 3,500
Receipts 42,800
Paymentstoemployees 12,800
Paymentstosuppliers 17,100
Paymentsofinterest/bankcharges 400
From this information, calculate the cash drawings by the owner during the year.
The drawings for the year can be calculated as the balancing figure in a cash and
bank memorandum account.
$ $
Openingbalance,cashinhand 200 Paymentstosuppliers 17,100
Openingbalance,bank 2,300 Paymentstoemployees 12,800
Receipts 42,800 Paymentsofinterest/bankcharges 400
Drawings(=balancingfigure) 11,000
Closingbalance,cashinhand 500
Closingbalance,bank 3,500
45,300 45,300
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The same calculation could be presented in a vertical format, as follows:
$ $
Paymentstosuppliers 17,100
Paymentstoemployees 12,800
Paymentsforinterest/bankchanges 400
Exercise 3
From the following information calculate the owner’s drawings for the period:
Cashinhandatthebeginningoftheyear 100
Bankbalanceatthebeginningoftheyear 3,400
Cashinhandattheendoftheyear 150
Bankbalanceattheendoftheyear 5,200
Receipts 51,700
Paymentstoemployees 3,400
Paymentstosuppliers 38,200
2.4 Using the gross profit percentage and mark-up percentage
Missing figures can sometimes be estimated by using an average gross profit
margin or a mark-up percentage on cost to establish either the sales for a period or
the cost of sales.
The gross profit margin is the gross profit as a percentage of sales.
A mark up on cost is a percentage added to the cost of sales figure.
A sole trader does not keep a record of sales. However, she does keep a record of
purchases. The accountant has established that the gross profit margin is 20%, and that:
opening inventory was $700 at the beginning of the year
closing inventory is $1,200 at the end of the year
purchases during the year were $23,500.
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Calculate the sales for the year.
There is enough information to calculate the cost of sales for the year. The gross profit
percentage can then be used to calculate the sales for the year. If the gross profit is 20%
(= gross profit/sales), the mark-up on cost is 25% of cost (= 20/(100 – 20)).
Openinginventory 700
Purchases 23,500
Closinginventory (1,200)
Costofsales 23,000
Grossprofit(25%ofcost) 5,750
Sales 28,750
Exercise 4
A business operates on the basis of a mark up on cost of 40%. The following
information is available:
Opening inventory $3,100
Closing inventory $4,000
Purchases $42,100
What is the sales figure for the year?
2.5 Missing inventory figure
The gross profit margin can also be used to establish the value of inventory that is
missing or lost, for example due to theft or a fire. In these situations, you might know
the value of sales in the period, purchases during the period and opening and closing
By calculating the cost of sales from sales and the gross profit margin, it should be
possible to establish the value of missing inventory that is unaccounted for, as a
balancing figure.
A sole trader operates his business from a warehouse, which has been damaged by a
fire, which occurred at the end of the financial year. After the fire, the remaining
inventory that is undamaged amounts to $2,000 (cost).
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The accountant establishes the following information:
Inventory at the beginning of the year was $16,000
Purchases during the year were $115,000
Sales during the year were $140,000
The trader sells his goods at a mark-up of 25% of cost.
Calculate the cost of the inventory lost in the fire.
Gross profit = 25% of cost.
As a proportion of sales, gross profit = (25/(25 + 100)) = 0.20 or 20%.
Sales = $140,000.
Therefore gross profit = 20% × $140,000 = $28,000
Cost of sales = 80% × $140,000 = $112,000.
Openinginventory 16,000
Purchases 115,000
Costofsales (112,000)
Closinginventoryshouldbe 19,000
Actualclosinginventory 2,000
Balancingfigure=inventorylostinthefire 17,000
Exercise 5
A business operates on the basis of a mark up on cost of 40%. The following
information is available:
Opening inventory $5,000
Purchases $61,200
Sales $98,000
What is the amount of closing inventory?
2.6 Profit and opening and closing net assets
You might also need to remember that the profit or loss for a period can be
calculated from the opening and closing net assets (assets minus liabilities, which is
equity capital) and any drawings during the period.