Paper F3: Financial accounting (International)
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An asset was purchased two years ago at the beginning of Year 1 for $600,000. It had
an expected life of 10 years and nil residual value. After two years it is re-valued to
For the first two years annual depreciation is $60,000 (= $600,000/10 years) and at
the end of Year 2, its carrying value is $480,000. The revaluation to $640,000 can be
achieved by making the following book-keeping entries:
Debit: Asset account: $40,000
Debit: Accumulated depreciation account $120,000
Credit revaluation reserve $160,000
The asset has 8 more years of expected life, so the annual depreciation charge will
increase from $60,000 to $80,000 (= $640,000/8 years). There will be excess
depreciation each year of $20,000.
Each year, unless the asset is re-valued again, there should be a transfer between the
revaluation reserve and retained profits:
Debit: Revaluation reserve $20,000
Credit: Retained profits $20,000
The reason for this transfer is to avoid an odd situation in which the revaluation
reserve for an asset could remain unchanged as long as the asset is still owned,
regardless of how long it has been used. In the example above, suppose the asset is
not re-valued again during its life, and eight years after the revaluation the asset has
a carrying value of $0 because it is fully depreciated.
The asset account has a debit balance of $640,000.
The accumulated depreciation account has a credit balance of $640,000.
If there is no transfer of excess depreciation, the revaluation reserve would still
have a credit balance of $160,000, even though the asset is now fully depreciated.
This is not sensible accounting.
By making a transfer each year of $20,000 excess depreciation from the
revaluation reserve to retained profits, by the end of the asset’s expected life,
there would have been a total transfer of $160,000 from the revaluation reserve.
The revaluation reserve for the asset would be reduced to $0 and realised profits
(retained profits reserve) will have been increased by the $160,000 of excess
depreciation charged through profit and loss.
5.6 Revaluation model: the frequency of revaluations
When the revaluation model is applied to the valuation of non-current assets, the
frequency of revaluations should depend on the volatility in the value of the assets
concerned. When the value of assets is subject to significant changes (high
volatility), annual revaluations may be necessary.
This ‘rule’ about the frequency of revaluations applies to both tangible non-current
assets (IAS 16) and to intangible assets (IAS 38).