Chapter 6: Non-current assets
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Depreciation and net book value (carrying amount)
Depreciation: definition
Net book value (carrying amount)
Accounting for depreciation
2 Depreciation and net book value (carrying amount)
2.1 Depreciation: definition
A useful simplified explanation of depreciation is that it is a method of spreading
the cost of a non-current asset over its expected useful life (economic life), so that an
appropriate portion of the cost is charged in each accounting period.
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment defines depreciation more specifically as ‘the
systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life’
‘Depreciable amount’ is the cost of an asset (or its revalued amount, in cases
where a non-current asset is revalued during its life) less its residual value.
‘Residual value’ is the expected disposal value of the asset (after deducting
disposal costs) at the end of its expected useful life.
‘Useful life’ is the period over which the asset is expected to be used by the
business entity.
For example, suppose that an item of equipment cost $30,000 and has a residual
value of $5,000 at the end of its expected useful life of four years. Depreciation is a
way of allocating the depreciable amount of $25,000 (= $30,000 - $5,000) over the
four years of the asset’s expected life.
Depreciation should be charged as an expense in the income statement each year
over the life of the asset.
(The value of a non-current asset can be consumed in other ways. For example, a non-
current asset might lose value due to deterioration or obsolescence. Loss in value due to
deterioration or obsolescence should also be charged in the income statement, but
‘impairment losses’ of this kind are not in the syllabus for the examination.)
Most non-current assets must be depreciated or amortised, although there are some
exceptions to this rule. For example, land is not depreciated. Similarly, purchased
goodwill, an intangible non-current asset, is not depreciated.
2.2 Net book value (carrying amount)
Over time, a non-current asset loses value as depreciation is charged each year. The
total amount of depreciation charged on a non-current asset since it was acquired
(or re-valued) is the accumulated depreciation for the asset.