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  • добавлен 21 января 2012 г.
Van Grieken R., Markowicz A.A. (Eds.) Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry
2nd edition, Revised and Expanded - Marcel Dekker, 2002, 985 pages

Updates fundamentals and applications of all modes of x-ray spectrometry. Promotes the accurate measurement of samples while reducing the scattered background in the x-ray spectrum.

X-ray Physics
Wavelength-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Using X-ray Tube Excitation
Spectrum Evaluation
Quantification of Infinitely Thick Specimens by XRF Analysis
Quantification in XRF Analysis of Intermediate-Thickness Samples
Radioisotope-Excited X-ray Analysis
Synchrotron Radiation-Induced X-ray Emission
Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence
Polarized Beam X-ray Fluorescence Analysis
Microbeam XRF
Particle-Induced X-ray Emission Analysis
Electron-Induced X-ray Emission
Sample Preparation for X-ray Fluorescence
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