A Dictionary of chinese buddhist terms with sanskrit and english
equivalents and a sanskrit-pali index.
William Edward Soothill, Lewis Hodous.
Taipei. Digital version: Digital Archives Section, Library and Information Center of Dharma Drum Buddhist College 法鼓佛教學院圖書資訊館數位典藏組. -2010. -1320 p. English (Chinese/Sanskrit/Pali)
(base 1-st edition 1937.) 本著作係採用 創用 CC Attribution-ShareAlike 授權條款 授權. For about a thousand years, Buddhism dominated the thought of China and her thinkers were occupied with Buddhist philosophy. This dictionary serves as a resource to the interpretation of Chinese culture, as well as an important reference for the comparative study of Sanskrit and Pali originals.The author provides a key for the students which to unlock a closed door which does serve to reveal the riches of the great Buddhist thesaurus in China. Author further, explains that various translators invented different terms and even when the some term was finally adopted its commutation varied, so he seems to have overcome these difficulties to a certain extent . Уже около тысячи лет, буддизм и буддистская философия очень популярны в Китае. При этом наблюдается огромнейшее разночтение в определении буддистских терминов при их переводе на китайский язык. Этот словарь призван преодолеть данную проблему и служит своего рода ресурсом для интерпретации данной области китайской культуры в едином ключе, а также важной точкой отсчета для сравнительного изучения оригинальных текстов на санскрите и пали.
Taipei. Digital version: Digital Archives Section, Library and Information Center of Dharma Drum Buddhist College 法鼓佛教學院圖書資訊館數位典藏組. -2010. -1320 p. English (Chinese/Sanskrit/Pali)
(base 1-st edition 1937.) 本著作係採用 創用 CC Attribution-ShareAlike 授權條款 授權. For about a thousand years, Buddhism dominated the thought of China and her thinkers were occupied with Buddhist philosophy. This dictionary serves as a resource to the interpretation of Chinese culture, as well as an important reference for the comparative study of Sanskrit and Pali originals.The author provides a key for the students which to unlock a closed door which does serve to reveal the riches of the great Buddhist thesaurus in China. Author further, explains that various translators invented different terms and even when the some term was finally adopted its commutation varied, so he seems to have overcome these difficulties to a certain extent . Уже около тысячи лет, буддизм и буддистская философия очень популярны в Китае. При этом наблюдается огромнейшее разночтение в определении буддистских терминов при их переводе на китайский язык. Этот словарь призван преодолеть данную проблему и служит своего рода ресурсом для интерпретации данной области китайской культуры в едином ключе, а также важной точкой отсчета для сравнительного изучения оригинальных текстов на санскрите и пали.