Перевод и переводоведение / Translation, Interpreting, and Translation Studies
Английский язык
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  • добавлен 15 апреля 2014 г.
Translation Studies (Перекладознавство)
КНУ ім. Т.Г.Шевченка, Інститут філології, Київ, 2012 г., 20 вопросов, 20 файлов с ответами (на английском языке).
Translating as a notion and subject.
Translation studies.
Translation theory and the philosophy of language.
Translation and Cognition. Translatability problem (R.Jacobson).
Typologies of equivalence.
equivalence and adequacy.
Models of translation: general review.
Types of lexical transformations.
The concept of translation strategy.
The history of types and methods of translation.
Translation as hermeneutic motion.
‘Skopos’ theory.
Polysystem theory.
Implied meaning.
Shifts of meaning in the process of translation.
Pragmatic adaptation in translation: rules of conveying realia.
Expressive function of translation: conveying expressive idiomatic and stylistic figures.
Translation colloquial speech and slang.
Translation procedures of conveying proper names.