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  • добавлен 19 июня 2011 г.
Thide B. Electromagnetic Field Theory
2nd edition, 260 pages, 2009.ISBN-10: 0486477738
The Electromagnetic Field Theory textbook covers topics of Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Electromagnetic Potentials and Gauges, Fundamental Properties of the Electromagnetic Field, Fields from Arbitrary Charge and Current Distributions, Radiation and Radiating Systems, Relativistic Electrodynamics, Electromagnetic Fields and Particles, Electromagnetic Fields and Matter.
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Warnick K., Arnold D., Selfridge R. Differential Forms in Electromagnetic Field Theory

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Antennas and Propagations Symposium Proceedings, Baltimore, MD, 1996, - 4 pages. The calculus of differential forms has been applied to electromagnetic field theory in several papers and texts, some of which are cited in the references. Despite this work, differential forms are underused in applied electromagnetics research, partly due to the abstract viewpoint used in most treatments. Differential forms have a simple and intuitive geometrical i...

Warnick K., Selfridge R., Arnold D. Teaching Electromagnetic Field Theory Using Differential Forms

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IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 40, No. 1, February, 1997, pp. 53-68. The primary pedagogical advantages of differential forms are the distinct representations of field intensity and flux density, intuitive graphical representations of each of Maxwell's laws, and a simple picture of electromagnetic boundary conditions. Differential forms provide visual models that can help students remember and apply the principles of electromagnetics. Compu...

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