Методические указания по обучению английскому языку подростков. —
Englishprograms.state.gov; shapingenglish.ning.com, 2011. — 41
Представлены методистами США в 2011 г.
Изложены принципы преподавания английского языка как иностранного,
предложены примеры заданий для учащихся 12-14, 14-17 и 17-19 лет.
Outline of webinar.
Thoughts of a teenage mind.
Defining teenagers.
Characteristics of young teens.
Characteristics of middle teens.
Approach to teaching teens.
Twelve things to keep in mind.
Example: using songs (celebrities).
Steps of lesson.
Example: expressive activity.
Real life communication.
Example: personal stories.
Example: non-verbal storytelling.
Digital stories.
Putting the leaer at the center.
Leaer autonomy.
Principles for fostering autonomy in the classroom.
Leaer choice vs independence.
Example: teacher for a day.
Example: website analysis.
Project-based instruction.
Benefits of PBL (project-based leaing).
Why use projects to teach English to teens?
Ten steps for project work.
Examples of project for teens.
Example: elections in Elista.
Connect with global community.
Taking it global.
Final thoughts from teachers of teens.
Thoughts of a teenage mind.
Defining teenagers.
Characteristics of young teens.
Characteristics of middle teens.
Approach to teaching teens.
Twelve things to keep in mind.
Example: using songs (celebrities).
Steps of lesson.
Example: expressive activity.
Real life communication.
Example: personal stories.
Example: non-verbal storytelling.
Digital stories.
Putting the leaer at the center.
Leaer autonomy.
Principles for fostering autonomy in the classroom.
Leaer choice vs independence.
Example: teacher for a day.
Example: website analysis.
Project-based instruction.
Benefits of PBL (project-based leaing).
Why use projects to teach English to teens?
Ten steps for project work.
Examples of project for teens.
Example: elections in Elista.
Connect with global community.
Taking it global.
Final thoughts from teachers of teens.