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  • добавлен 16 сентября 2011 г.
Svec F., Tennikova T.B., Deyl Z. Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties and Applications
Elsevier Science, 2003, 773 Pages

Monolithic materials are a variety of shapes (discs, rolled sheets, tubes, irregular chunks) prepared from a wide variety of materials (cellulose, silica, synthetic polymers). During the past decade monolithic separation media have developed rapidly and become popular in many scientific fields.
Although the current papers and patents conceed with monolithic separation media are quite numerous, the information is scattered throughout a vast number of jouals. This book therefore fills the gap in the market for a comprehensive reference book on this subject.

Historical Review
Rigid Macroporous Organic Polymer Monoliths Prepared by Free Radical Polymerization
Short Monolithic Columns- Rigid Disks
Rigid Polymers Prepared by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Monolithic Polysaccharide Materials
Monolithic Continuous Beds Prepared from Water-Soluble Acrylamide-Based Monomers
Monolithic Silica Columns for Capillary Liquid Chromatography
Monolithic Columns Prepared from Particles
Layered Stacks
Biotextiles m Monoliths with Rolled Geometrics
Polymerized High Inteal Phase Emulsion Monoliths
Imprinted Monoliths
Ordered Inorganic Structures
Flow and Mass Transfer
Theoretical Aspects of Separation Using Short Monolithic Beds
Monolithic Stationary Phases for the Separation of Small Molecules
Separation of Peptides and Proteins
Nucleic Acid Analysis
Synthetic Polymers
Capillary Electrochromatography
Large Scale Separations
Immunoaffinity Assays
Survey of Chromatographic and Electromigration Separations
Miniature and Microchip Technologies
Solid-Phase Extraction
Catalysts and Enzyme Reactors
Solid Phase Synthesis and Auxiliaries for Combinatorial Chemistry
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