Лекции по сравнительной типологии.
Мгпу, 2015 г.
The history of the English language and its periods.
Old Germanic tribes and dialects.
Old Germanic Languages – The East Germanic Group.
Old Germanic Languages – North Germanic Group (Scandinavian).
Old Germanic Languages – West Germanic Group.
Stress in Germanic Languages.
The first Germanic consonant shift (Grimm's law).
Veer's Law.
Ablaut in Germanic languages.
Palatal mutation in Germanic languages.
The development of the Germanic morphological system.
Principal written records of the Old English period.
The Runic Alphabet.
The Latin Alphabet.
The Vowels of the Old English period.
Changes in Old English vowel phonemes.
Palatal mutation in Old English.
Old english consonants.
The old english noun.
The old english gender.
The old english case.
The pronoun in old english.
The adjective.
Degrees of comparison.
The verb-system in old english.
Morphological classification of verbs.
Strong verbs in old english.
Classes of the strong verbs.
Weak verbs.
Non-finite forms of the verb.
The infinitive. Preterite-present verbs.
Middle english. General characteristics.
New english. General characteristics.
Мгпу, 2015 г.
The history of the English language and its periods.
Old Germanic tribes and dialects.
Old Germanic Languages – The East Germanic Group.
Old Germanic Languages – North Germanic Group (Scandinavian).
Old Germanic Languages – West Germanic Group.
Stress in Germanic Languages.
The first Germanic consonant shift (Grimm's law).
Veer's Law.
Ablaut in Germanic languages.
Palatal mutation in Germanic languages.
The development of the Germanic morphological system.
Principal written records of the Old English period.
The Runic Alphabet.
The Latin Alphabet.
The Vowels of the Old English period.
Changes in Old English vowel phonemes.
Palatal mutation in Old English.
Old english consonants.
The old english noun.
The old english gender.
The old english case.
The pronoun in old english.
The adjective.
Degrees of comparison.
The verb-system in old english.
Morphological classification of verbs.
Strong verbs in old english.
Classes of the strong verbs.
Weak verbs.
Non-finite forms of the verb.
The infinitive. Preterite-present verbs.
Middle english. General characteristics.
New english. General characteristics.