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  • добавлен 17 декабря 2011 г.
Sperelakis N. Cell Physiology Sourcebook: A Molecular Approach
3rd Edition, Academic Press, 2001, 1235 pages

This authoritative book gathers together a broad range of ideas and topics that define the field. It provides clear, concise, and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of cellular physiology from fundamental concepts to more advanced topics. The Third Edition contains substantial new material. Most chapters have been thoroughly reworked. The book includes chapters on important topics such as sensory transduction, the physiology of protozoa and bacteria, the regulation of cell division, and programmed cell death.

Key Features
Completely revised and updated - includes 8 new chapters on such topics as membrane structure, intracellular chloride regulation, transport, sensory receptors, pressure, and olfactory/taste receptors
Includes broad coverage of both animal and plant cells
Appendixes review basics of the propagation of action potentials, electricity, and cable properties
Authored by leading experts in the field
Clear, concise, comprehensive coverage of all aspects of cellular physiology from fundamental concepts to more advanced topics
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King S.M., Pazour G.J. (Eds.) Cilia: Model Organisms and Intraflagellar Transport, Volume 93

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Academic Press, Elsevier, 2009, 330 pages Methods in Cell Biology Cilia are highly conserved organelles that serve motile functions, sensory functions, or both. These organelles power cell movement, generate fluid flow in various organs, act as sensors of the extracellular environment and have been modified for various specialized tasks such as light reception and smell. Defects in these ubiquitous organelles lead to a broad array of human ge...

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Academic Press, 2009, 344 pages Along with its companion volume on intraflagellar transport, this book provides researchers with a comprehensive and up-to-date source of methods for the analysis cilia and flagella, focusing primarily on approaches that have been devised or significantly extended since the last volume of Methods in Cell Biology on this topic (volume 47, 1995). Edited by Stephen M. King and Gregory J. Pazour, the newest installme...

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Mullins C. The biogenesis of cellular organelles

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Sloboda R.D. (Ed.) Primary Cilia, Volume 94

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