Macmillan and Co. , Ltd, London, 1900. - 685 p.
Скит У. У. Малайская магия. Введение в фольклор и мифологию жителей Малайского полуострова (на англ. яз.). Contents.
Man and his Place in the Universe.
Relations with the Supeatural World.
The Malay Pantheon.
Magic Rites connected with the Several Departments of Nature.
Magic Rites as affecting the Life of Man.
Скит У. У. Малайская магия. Введение в фольклор и мифологию жителей Малайского полуострова (на англ. яз.). Contents.
Man and his Place in the Universe.
Relations with the Supeatural World.
The Malay Pantheon.
Magic Rites connected with the Several Departments of Nature.
Magic Rites as affecting the Life of Man.