Mode Germanic languages.
OE verbs.
Origin of English language.
Personal and Demonstrative pronoun.
Ancient Germanic tribes.
Latin influence on the OE vocabulary.
Classification of the ancient Germanic tribes according to Pliny.
Morphological classification of OE noun.
The Roman conquest.
The Anglo-Saxon conquest.
The simple Sentence.
Chronological division in the history of English.
The London dialect.
Germanic alphabets.
Economic and Social Condition in the 11-th-12-th centuries.
Old Germanic texts.
Borrowings from Celtic.
Old English written records.
The Adjective. Weak and Strong Declination.
Consonants Proto-Germanic consonants shift.
The Norman Conquest.
Grimm's law.
Effect of the Scandinavian Invasions.
Vaer's law.
Historical background from the 11-th to 15-th centuries.
Short Survey of periods in the History of English.
OE vocabulary.
Word Stress.
Effect of the Norman Conquest.
OE syntax.
Runic inscriptions.
Declension of nouns.
Early Middle English Dialects.
The pronoun.
Old English. Historical Background.
OE vocabulary.
Linguistic features of Germanic language.
The Adjective. Degree of Comparison.
Written Records in Late Middle English. The age of Chaucer.
OE verbs.
Origin of English language.
Personal and Demonstrative pronoun.
Ancient Germanic tribes.
Latin influence on the OE vocabulary.
Classification of the ancient Germanic tribes according to Pliny.
Morphological classification of OE noun.
The Roman conquest.
The Anglo-Saxon conquest.
The simple Sentence.
Chronological division in the history of English.
The London dialect.
Germanic alphabets.
Economic and Social Condition in the 11-th-12-th centuries.
Old Germanic texts.
Borrowings from Celtic.
Old English written records.
The Adjective. Weak and Strong Declination.
Consonants Proto-Germanic consonants shift.
The Norman Conquest.
Grimm's law.
Effect of the Scandinavian Invasions.
Vaer's law.
Historical background from the 11-th to 15-th centuries.
Short Survey of periods in the History of English.
OE vocabulary.
Word Stress.
Effect of the Norman Conquest.
OE syntax.
Runic inscriptions.
Declension of nouns.
Early Middle English Dialects.
The pronoun.
Old English. Historical Background.
OE vocabulary.
Linguistic features of Germanic language.
The Adjective. Degree of Comparison.
Written Records in Late Middle English. The age of Chaucer.