2nd Edition. - Wiley, 2016. - 412 p.
Английский вариант издания: Шмид Р. Наглядная биотехнология и генетическая инженерия /file/1853109/
Now presented in large format, the new Schmid is the ideal primer in biotechnology. The two–page layout with one page being a full color figure and the opposite page being explanatory text is the ideal combination between rapid visual–based leaing with in depth information.
Английский вариант издания: Шмид Р. Наглядная биотехнология и генетическая инженерия /file/1853109/
Now presented in large format, the new Schmid is the ideal primer in biotechnology. The two–page layout with one page being a full color figure and the opposite page being explanatory text is the ideal combination between rapid visual–based leaing with in depth information.