Периодика по физике
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  • добавлен 03 июля 2011 г.
Saltzman B. (editor) Anomalous Atmospheric Flows and Blocking
(Advances in Geophysics, Volume 29) Academic Press, Orlando, New York, London, 1986, 477 pp. - ISBN 0-12-018829-5
It has been our custom occasionally to devote a single volume of Advances in Geophysics to a special topic of timely interest. In the present volume we consider the rapidly growing subject of low-frequency weather variability. This variability is exemplified by the persistence of certain large-scale "anomalous" features of the atmospheric flow that are often related to the so-called blocking weather pattes. It is widely acknowledged that if an extension of the range of reliable weather prediction is to be achieved it will depend on an understanding of the behavior of these persistent anomalous flows. A notable feature of this collection of reviews and original articles is its broad coverage of the observational, theoretical, and numerical-experimental aspects of this subject by many of the leading investigators in this field.
Global Scale Circulations—A Review (А. C. Wiin-Nielsen).
The Life Cycles of Persistent Anomalies and Blocking over the North Pacific – (Randall M. Dole).
On Atmospheric Blocking Types and Blocking Numbers – (Heinz-Dieter Schilling).
Observational Characteristics of Atmospheric Planetary Waves with Bimodal Amplitude Distributions Anthony – (R. Hansen)
A Case Study of Eddy Forcing during an Atlantic Blocking Episode – (G. J. Shutts).
The Effect of Local Baroclinic Instability on Zonal Inhomogeneities of Vorticity and Temperature – (R. T. Plerrehumbert).
Forcing of Planetary-Scale Blocking Anticyclones by Synoptic-Scale Eddies – (J. Egger, W. Metz, and G. MOller)
Deterministic and Statistical Properties of Northe Hemisphere, Middle Latitude Circulation: Minimal Theoretical Models – (A. Speranza).
Probability Density Distribution of Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow – (Alfonso Sutera).
Stationary Planetary Waves, Blocking, and Interannual Variability – (R. S. Lindzen).
Instability Theory and Nonlinear Evolution of Blocks and Mature Anomalies – (J. S. Frederiksen).
Numerical Prediction: Some Results from Operational Forecasting at ECMWF – (A. J. Simmons).
Envelope Orography and Maintenance of the Quasi-Stationary Circulation in the ECMWF Global Models – (Stefano Tibaldi).
Numerical Forecasts of Tropospheric and Stratospheric Events during the Winter of 1979: Sensitivity to the Model's Horizontal Resolution and Vertical Extent – (Carlos R. Mechoso, Max J. Suarez, Koji Yamazaki, Akio Kitoh, and Akio Arakawa).
Mechanistic Experiments to Determine the Origin of Short-Scale Southe Hemisphere Stationary Rossby Waves – (Eugenia Kalnay and Ktngtse С Mo).
SST Anomalies and Blocking – (J. Shukla)
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