Phnom Penh, Democratic Kampuchea, October 1975. — 31 p.
Революционная молодежь, выпуск 10 (на англ. яз.)
Перевод на англ. яз. официального печатного издания
Коммунистической партии Кампучии времен её правления в Камбодже в
1975-1979 гг.
Kampuchean Youth Must Forge and Re-Fashion Themselves in the Movement to Strengthen and Expand Production Cooperatives.
In the New Current Phase of the Revolution, Our Youth Must Constantly Strengthen Their Stance of Absolute and Seething Class Struggle.
Revolutionary Sentiments.
Revolutionary Youth News.
Kampuchean Youth Must Forge and Re-Fashion Themselves in the Movement to Strengthen and Expand Production Cooperatives.
In the New Current Phase of the Revolution, Our Youth Must Constantly Strengthen Their Stance of Absolute and Seething Class Struggle.
Revolutionary Sentiments.
Revolutionary Youth News.