1969 53 pages The ratio of specific heats, molecular weight,
viscosity, specific heat at constant prsure, thermal conductivity,
and Prandtl number were calculated for air, the combus products of
natural gas and air, and the combustion products of ASTM-A-1 jet
fuel a air. These properties were calculated for temperatures from
300 to 2500 K, pressr of 3 and 10 atm (3.04~10 and 10.13~10 N/m ),
and fuel-air ratios from zero to stc chiometric. Adiabatic
combustion temperatures were also determined. The theorel data f o
r thermal conductivity and Prandtl number were compared with
experimental values of these properties available in the
literature. Agreement between the theorc
and experimental data was within 5 percent.
and experimental data was within 5 percent.