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  • добавлен 06 марта 2011 г.
Omar S.K. Investigation of Turbulent Flame Characteristics via Laser Induced Fluorescence
Darmstadt, 2006. 159 p.

Dissertation. Dem Fachbereich Maschinenbau an der Technischen Universit? at Darmstadt zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr. -Ing. )

Turbulent Reacting Flows
Laser Technique
Applied Studies on Turbulent Flames
Experimental Methods
Data Image Processing
Opposed Jet Flames
Swirl Flames
Summary and Outlook
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Shaker Verlag, 2001. 155 p. ISBN:3-8265-9362-6 Turbulent premixed combustion occurs in a wide variety of technical applications. To achieve a profound understanding of the relevant physical and chemical processes involved and to enhance the predictability of these processes, a level set flamelet model for premixed turbulent combustion is presented in this work. As a turbulent combustion model is ultimately aimed at the design process, numerical...

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