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  • добавлен 07 января 2012 г.
Nortcliff S. Down to Earth - an Introduction to Soils
Booklet is a 55 page, published in 1984, providing an excellent overview of soil-related issues. It offers a basic introduction to soils and describes in non-specialist language what soil is, how it forms, how and why it is classified and mapped, and how soil is used and affected by mankind.
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Chesworth Ward. Encyclopedia of soil science

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Fratta D., Aguettant J., Roussel-Smith L. Introduction to Soil Mechanics Laboratory Testing

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CRC Press, 2007, 229 Pages A step-by-step text on the basic tests performed in soil mechanics, Introduction to Soil Mechanics Laboratory Testing provides procedural aids and elucidates industry standards. It also covers how to properly present data and document results. Containing numerical examples and figures, the information presented is based on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, and US Army Corps of Engineers engi...

Jarman M. Ground Work - Practical Ways of Learning about Soils

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ISBN 0 850221447. 16pp., published in 1984. The booklet covers themes such as: Digging in; Broadening your horizons; Making a good record; Soil and slopes; Taking the rough with the smooth; Soils are not just brown; Experimenting with soil chemistry; and a Glossary game.

Koorevaar P., Menelik., Dirksen C. Elements of Soil Physics

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Elsevier Science, 1983, 228 pages One expects a soil physics book from Wageningen to be good and this book lives up to that expectation. This book is not meant to be ‘just another textbook’ on Soil Physics. Instead, it presents a different approach to teaching students the basic principles of Soil Physics. The main idea is that students should be forced to think through and apply immediately what they read. To achieve this goal, the text is wr...

Ringrose-Voase A.J., Humphreys G.S. Soil Micromorphology

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Ritz K, Young I. (Eds.) Architecture and Biology of Soils. Life in Inner Space

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CRC Press, 2002.– 403pp. ISBN 0849308372. The book contains nine chapters addressing most significant topics of contemporary soil physics. The chapter authors are leading scientists and recognized authorities on their respective topics. Information from the Handbook of Soil Science is augmented with example boxes to add flavor and interest. These additions include problems, further descriptions and historical backgrounds. In cases where more info...